Why She Wept
• A certain widow walked into the study of a well-known pastor who is an earnest defender of the faith, and, with tears streaming down her face, said to him: “Dr.----------------, you know that my husband believed the Bible just as you do, and that when he gave the money to establish and endow the ■ ■ - Theological Seminary, it was his desire that only sound, ortho- dox theology should be taught there. Now all kinds of New Theology and Higher Criticism are being taught in that Seminary. I am heartbroken about the matter, and yet there is nothing I can do to change conditions.”
Are Any of YOUR Gifts Being Diverted?
Are we not only entitled but obligated to know where and how our gifts are used? “ So then, every one of us shall give account of himself, to God.” (Romans 14 : 12 ) THE CALL IS CLEAR INVESTIGATE YOUR INVESTMENTS We are offering the opportunity to investors to place some of their funds where they can have the assurance that they will be used in a definite way and bring satisfactory returns. Write us for full particulars concerning our work, what it is, where it is, and how it is done. Our work is carried on for twenty-four hours of every day in the year. WHILE YOU SLEEP, WE ARE A T WORK
T. C. HORTON, Superintendent Bible Institute of Los Angeles
536-558 South Hope Street
Los Angeles California
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