Daybreak in Russia Russia’s long and awful night of spiritual darkness is passing and dawn is breaking. People who have never heard the Gospel before are now being reached as our missionaries press on into new territory. One worker states that when a missionary enters a village the news spreads quickly and soon a crowd numbering
sometimes a thousand or more gathers tears stream down the faces of some Exceptional Demand for the Scriptures Writing o f the work among Russians in Riga, Latvia, another missionary says in part: “ Very blessed was the evening when Pastor Fetler offered Russian Bibles and New Testaments at a reduced price. It re minded me of the little picture in “ The Friend of Russia” with the title ‘Come over and help us,’ people reaching forth their hands to receive a Bible. It was a blessing to me to see this and we praise the Lord for enabling us to give forth the Living Word to hungry souls.”
around him. A s they listen to the Gospel the message touches their hearts.
Three Bolsheviks Saved Still another missionary writes of some recent meetings in Volhynia (Ukraine) stat ing, “ The mission halls were crowded, es pecially at night when they could not begin to hold the crowds. A t the close of a twenty-minute testimony meeting, one even ing three young men (Communists), who had waylaid believers returning from meet ings and beaten and tortured them, arose and requested prayer. A spirit o f prayer immediately came upon the meeting,— and when Russians pray they storm heaven vio lently— the young men were gloriously saved, and we did not leave the hall until 2 A. M.”
These are just typical reports— not exceptional or colored to make an impression. A hunger for God that is difficult for us to comprehend now grips the Russian people. Here is how the life-giving seed is scattered— 34 missionaries in Russia, 68 among Russians in Poland and 38 among Russians in other Central European countries. How few for more than 150,000,000 people! The day is just break ing and they need more Light. Who will help to bring it to them? May the Lord prompt His people to “ lay up treasures in heaven” by investing in this blessed work. This Society is Interdenominational, Evangelical and Evangelistic. Accounts are au dited annually by a certified public accountant and the report published. Write for a sample copy of “The Friend of Russia,” our official monthly organ, containing inspiring reports from the field, doctrinally sound and helpful spiritual messages, and articles relative to condi tions in Russia and that country’s important place in prophecy. Subscription price $1.00 per year to all parts of the world. Whatever gifts you are prompted of God to make should be sent to C. W. Swanson, Treasurer, 1844 Monroe St., Chicago, 111., and all correspondence should be directed to the Society at the same address.
THE RUSSIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY William Fetler, General Director W. S. Hottel, Home Director
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