May 1924
T H E K I N G ’ S
merely to cover up the fact that something had been eliminated from the Bible). A blue color, for instance, would carry the suggestion that the Bible is a Heaven sent book. Or a red cover would suggest that the Book carried—from Genesis to Revelation—the story of blood as an atonement for sin. , Perhaps, however, Dr. Sheldon dislikes the black cover because it reminds him of the doom awaiting those who trifle with the contents of the Bible, for it says (Rev. 22:18, 19): “ If any man take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book 'o f life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Mr. Sheldon has well named it the “ Smaller Bible”— a small Bible from a man, not large enough to believe in and follow the whole, God-given, God-blessed Word of God. But it is in no sense an “ American” edition, but “ un- American,” for the President of the United States, when he takes his oath of office, will not use either this “ Smaller Bible,” or the previously published “ Shorter Bible,” but will put his lips to a good, old-fashioned "Holy Bible,”— the kind our fathers and mothers knew and read and loved. No doubt the next attempt will be to produce a “ Smarter Bible,”— and perhaps Mr. Van Loon considers that his “ Story of the Bible would come under that designation, though as we have looked it over we have wondered how he ever imagined it would be given a place in any home where God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, were honored. It contains not a word of prophecy fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled; not a word about Jesus dying for the sins of the people; not a word about the open heavens and His personal revelation to Stephen; not a word from John’s Gospel about eternal life through faith in Him; not a word about the wrath of God which abides on those who reject Him,|I-no just a “ Smarter Story” of a Bible from which one is at liberty to accept what they want to accept and reject what they want to reject. Why a new story of the Bible when there are already many in print, far superior from a literary point of view, that ring true to the Bible as God’s Word? Pity the child whose only knowledge of God’s precious Word is gleaned from this travesty, rather than from the Bible story given by inspiration of God, upon which our Lord Jesus Christ set His own seal. Why a “ Shorter Bible” ? Why a “ Smaller Bible?” What is the purpose of either? What would be the effect if either were to prevail? Have these men been chosen of God to eliminate a portion of the Scriptures? Every book of the Bible is printed separately, for convenience sake,— but to assume the ability to decide what should and should not be excluded is an assumption which will not commend itself to the true believer, nor to God.
A S E C R E T - I want' to tell the King’s Business Family a real secret. The King’s Business is not a money-making enterprise. There has never been a dollar made through its publication. It has been pub lished year after year at considerable financial loss. Every magazine you have received has cost a third more than you have paid for it. Every year the Institute has had to make up a large deficit for the publication. This is not because of poor management, but because we have kept our subscription price so low and, as a rule, have refrained from taking outside advertisements, Even now the subscription price is too low to enable us to break even. B U T We have regarded The King’s Business as part of the work which God has given us to do. W e have spared no pains or expense to make it the best Family Bible Magazine in the United States. God has set His seal of approval upon it and used it as a help and blessing to thou sands of Ministers, Missionaries, Evangelists, Bible Teachers, S. S. Superintendents and Teachers and others in all walks of life throughout the world. Many of these say they could not get along without it and would give up every other periodical first. Hence, we have gone right on with the work in His Name praising Him for the privilege of this service to His dear people. We are telling you this that you may ap preciate your magazine more — that you may feel more charitable to us who are bearing the burden and trying to serve you conscientiously and faithfully, and that you may feel that it is your work, too, and with the hope that you will esteem it a privilege to bring it to the at tention of your friends and induce them to join The King’ s Business Family and share the blessings with us. Yours in His service, R. H. Richards, Business Manager.
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