June 2024

What is your dream vacation?

CASSY MEISENHEIMER It is a toss-up between hiking Machu Picchu in Peru and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. They are both bucket list places I hope to visit one day if I ever have the time or money.

TERRI SANDEFUR I want to travel in a rocket to the Moon like we fly in airplanes today.

ALANA MOREL I am so excited to live out one of our dream vacations this month! We are spending two weeks in Italy traveling from Venice to Rome, then making our way to the Amalfi Coast.

KARA HUMPHREY I would like to go to England, Ireland, and Scotland for several weeks. I’m dying to explore really old buildings, eat shepherd’s pie in a pub, and wake up in the mornings to bagpipes.

MATT CORNELIUS It would have to be in Africa. I would like to learn one of those African clicking languages because I get the feeling my knees are trying to tell me something.

LEAH ORR I would rent a catamaran and island hop around the British Virgin Islands with my family.

BRITT EARNEST I’m equally split between going back to Costa Rica or Colombia. I love ecotourism and have friends in Costa Rica, but I have a daughter from Colombia, so both.

BRITTANY ROBLES I would take two months to backpack through Switzerland.

BAILEY GRAVITT I’d go to Branson, Missouri. My family used to take a bi-yearly trip there before my grandpa’s health started to decline. I would do anything to go back with them all again.

TIFFANY HORTON I would like to spend an entire summer in Europe with my family, visiting as many countries as possible. I’d also like to spend time with our

STEPHANIE HARRIS I would love to go to Israel, but with the present conflict there, that’s not an option. I will await the dream with Scotland, Ireland, or Italy.

DR. ROBIN HICKERSON I’d go back to the Kentucky Derby, of course!

My last vacation is always my favorite.

exchange students and their families while we are there.



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