Under the sentence of death, appar ently he was completely alone and forsaken. Does this sound anything like your circumstances ? Listen then to verse 17, “Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strength ened me.” What a precious truth that Christ wants to be with you in your darkest moments of loneliness. God’s answer to loneliness is the presence and the power of Christ. Let me ask, do you realize that the Lord Jesus Christ is with you? Do you have His presence? The Saviour wants to strengthen you by the right hand of His might and power. Re member the name by which the Lord called the Holy Spirit? His special word was “The Comforter.” This
means the one who comes along side- with power to give you strength. While the circumstances in your life may not alter, don’t forget the promise of God is eternal. As long as you live, you have this truth that He will never leave or forsake you. Just as God strengthened Paul, He can sustain you. Stand strong as a child of God. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pities them that fear Him. You are God’s child, however old you may be; you are in His hands. Just thank Him for what He has done in giving you His presence and love. Take your eyes off your circumstances, away from all of your loneliness and self, and fix your hope on Jesus.
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