Firebrick Comparison Analysis

Comparison Tests Cont’d: • Porosity Percentage, Water Absorption Percentage, Bulk Density, and Apparent Specific Gravity o Cut pieces of bricks are measured at different points during a vacuum chamber pressure test with water. This test will fill any voids in the brick piece with water. o All values can be calculated from at least 2 of these weight measurements: ▪ Dry Weight (weight of brick piece before the vacuum chamber) ▪ Suspended Weight (weight of brick piece on a rack suspended under water from a scale after the vacuum chamber) ▪ Saturated Weight (weight of brick piece after vacuum chamber with no residual water on surface) o Porosity Percentage – This is the measurement of the percentage of voids in the bricks. o Water Absorption Percentage – This is the measurement of the percentage of water a brick can absorb. o Bulk Density – This is the measurement of the amount of brick material that can occupy a given volume of space. o Apparent Specific Gravity – This is the measurement of the ratio of brick material to water. • Insulative Test o This test is conducted using a hand-held propane torch on a stand. The torch is set equal distance from the brick. Temperature measurements are taken at 2 minute 30 second intervals of the brick’s hot face and cold face. o Insulative values are calculated from the temperature measurements and graphed to show the heat absorption/deflection and insulative values over a 30 minute period. • After Testing o This is testing on the bricks after the insulative test to show the level of damage. o This testing also reveals the level of heat penetration of the brick.

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