King's Business - 1928-05


May 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

stand still, and lift up your head, and say to God, ‘You lie.’ ” Grace has appeared bringing.'full and complete salvation.— From Keswick W eek. Sent by the Rev. W . Haslam. May 20, 1928 Topic '.Training-fo r Leadership. Num­ bers 27:15-23. He that climbs the tall tree has won right to the fruit, He that leaps the wide gulf should prevail in his suit. Scott. ■ -h-o— T h o u g h t s o n t h e T opic Every age has its need for wise lead­ ership—God chose Moses to lead His peo­ ple out o f bondage, and afterwards, as we read in our lesson this evening, selected Joshua for a particular task, who, be­ cause! o f his obedience and faithfulness to the task appointed him, became Moses’ successor. The qifdstion for our consid­ eration tonight is ‘“ How to train for larger leadership.” God has need for those who 1 will prepare ^themselves. to become leaders in His service. It may be in China,, .Africa, India or. America—where- ever He wants us^to serve, is where we must go. As in file case o f Joshua and many,! other Biblical characters, obedience to the present duties is the first requisite in preparing for a larger leadership, ill “ I am only one, hut I am one; I Icannot do everything, but I can do Something; What I can do, that I ought to do, and by the grace of God, I will do.” Josliua was God’s man for the job be­ cause, he had God’s spirit dwelling with­ in. R'N q ' one is ready for a larger leader­ ship until this is a known fact in his life. Readership carries 5 with it great respon­ sibilities, especially-when that leadership has the guiding and molding o f souls for eternity.- , The opportunities 'to prepare oneself for efficient leadership are greater than they ever ha,ve been. The, ¡',. evening and correspondence sch ools 1 throughout -our land offer great opportunities to the one who, has been deprived the privilege of a completed edu­ cation.1: To the:one wishing to be trained in the Word o f God, the Bible Institutes in various parts o f the country open their doors * and offer thorough training for Christian service. Where one is unable even to take advantage o f such a train­ ing, courses in definite systematic Bible study may be had, - (The Bible Institute o f .Los.¡Angeles has a membership o f over 1700 -in! their correspondence school de­ partment.) The- thing for each one to do who de­ sires to train for larger leadership is to spend much time alone with God in defi­ nite prayer for guidance as to what line o f work He would have you take up. Know His will in the matter and then follow every line o f help in preparing yourself for that work, so that when He calls you to the work you can say, as did the prophet of old, “Here am I, Lord, send me.”

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If you wish success in life, make perse­ verance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder

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