King's Business - 1928-05


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

May 1928

can often be crooked enough; but here we have the change; and now you have a man who is straight o f back as well as straight of life, who believes the new doctrine that no man treats Christ well who treats his brother wrong.”— Sunday Sch. Times. . When Louis Agassiz was a boy in Switzerland, he and his brother one day thought they would cross a frozen lake and j oin their father. The mother anx­ iously watched them from a window till at length they came to a crack in the ice more than a foot wide. Her heart failed her. She thought, “Louis can get over it well enough, but the little fellow will try to do so, and will fall in.” They were too far away to hear her call. As . she watched in an agony o f fear, she saw Louis get down on the ice, his feet on one side o f the crack and his hands on the other, like a bridge, and his little brother crept over him to the other side. So may brother bridge life’s dangerous and diffi­ cult places for brother.—Myers. The older, o f two men was once urging upon the younger the claim o f Christian work in mission countries, and the latter answered with an excuse that had a familiar ring: “ But I have never felt any compelling call to give my life in that way.” “Are you sure that you are within calling distance?” was the disquieting reply. Some of us keep out o f calling dis­ tance,—intentionally so. Go or send.—Se­ lected. John Wesley’s Rule— June 3, 1928 Topic: My Plans for a Profitable. Sum­ mer. Mark 6:1-6. O summer day beside the joyous sea! O summer day so wonderful and white, So full of gladness and so full of pain! Forever and ever shalt thou be To some the gravestone of a dead de­ light, To some the landmark of a new domain. —Longfellow. The outstanding lesson to be gleaned from the Scripture assigned on the topic, we believe to be the fact that Jesus, upon returning to His own country town, took an active part in the synagogue services, thus showing that if we are to spend a profitable summer, wherever we go for our vacation, whether it be to our home town or some other town, we should put God and His cause first in our plans and our time spent will be most profitable. If we happen to be in a strange place during the summer, as Endeavorers, we can take a blessing to some other society by looking up a C. E. Society in that town and attending its services, where we can offer to take part. This will give new enthusiasm to the Society and our testi­ mony may be the means o f causing some to make decisions for Christ; Summer plans should not include a lot of excitement but should be made with a view to rest the physical body and im­ prove. our health. Good reading is some­ thing to be included in our plans for the summer. Study God’s great out-of-doors. “ Do all the good you can, By all the means you Can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you Can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.’L; C

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