King's Business - 1928-05

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

May 1928


missionaries on the various fields are given throughout the book, and something o f their work, interestingly written. The publisher is The Methodist Book Concern and the price $1.00; in the 151 pages there are many'fine pictures o f the country, work and' workers.—O. G. B. —o— What Is the Difference Between Mormonism and Biblical Christianity 1 B y F ranklin G H uling , M.A. A clear and concise treatment o f the teachings o f Mormonism on such funda­ mental doctrines as the Bible, God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Sin, and Salva­ tion will be found in a new thirty-eight- page booklet under the above title, pub­ lished by the Christian Alliance Publish­ ing Company. Price- 25c. In one column will be found citations from Mormon publications, giving the name, author, page and line. In the op­ posite column is given the Christian view o f these doctrines, presented mainly from the Bible.—A. S. P. The Attitude of Jesus Toward Woman B y M. M adeline S outhard , M.A. This book is a thesis offered for a master’s degree at Northwestern Uni­ versity and presents a most interesting study o f Christ’s attitude toward woman. It is the more interesting because it is Christ’s attitude as seen and understood by a woman. It does not enter upon some of the more intricate questions involved in a wider study, of this subject involving the rest o f the New Testament. In the study she finds that Jesus recog­ nized women’s high intellectual and spirit­ ual capacity; He defended them against criticism in their aspiration after the real­ ization o f these privileges; He treated women who had sinned against the law of chastity as He did other sinners, that is, as capable of repentance and restoration; He did not treat them as inferiors but accepted ministry from them in a most courteous way and entrusted them with large responsibilities in the matter o f ser­ vice and witness. While the old historic attitude was that woman is the creature o f her sex-relationships and blood-rela­ tionships, Jesus’ attitude toward her was that she is a person with relationships. These conclusions are reached in a very simple, straightforward and attractive study o f Jesus’ contact with women as it is presented in the New Testament, and the whole text makes very interesting and illuminating reading. Published by George H. Doran Company. Price $1.50. —J. M. M. —b— Dr. Dawson, who is a scholar of the highest standing and a very careful stu­ dent o f the Bible, gives to us in this pamphlet a simple, scholarly but convinc­ ing outline of the fact of the coming o f our Lord. It is not encumbered by any extreme vagaries or unkind criticisms, but is a fair and, to our minds, convincing statement of the outstanding facts con­ cerning the subject. We commend it as a ; ery fine pamphlet to send to people for tf : purpose o f get­ ting them interested iyi,rthe subject and leading them to a fair arid impartial study of the same. Published by the Bible League, St, James Street, Bedford Row, London. The Hope of the Future B y D r LW . B ell D awson


The Laws and Principles of the Kingdom of Heaven By R ev . E. L. H amilton Here is a book which the reviewer would put into the hands of every Bible student were he, able to do so. It is a very simple and practical setting forth of the directions which Jesus Christ gave to His disciples, and later instructed them to repeat to all men. Many Christians today are not taking the words of Jesus seriously. One thing which has helped to create this situation is that some promifS nent teachers have said that His teach­ ings have reference only to a future dis­ pensation. Dr. Stuart Holden, who writes the foreword, says: “Much o f the notorious powerlessness o f the Christian Church today results from the self-excusing in­ difference which marks the attitude o f so many o f its members toward the direct and unambiguous words o f Christ.” Dr. Hamilton, in these plain messages covering the laws of Christ’s spiritual kingdom as set forth in the sermon on the mount, endeavors to arouse believers to a sense of reality. Does Christ mean what He says? Are His teachings for us? Can it be that the reason many Christians get so little joy and blessing is because they are disobedient to Jesus Christ? Mr. Hamilton shows, from Christ’s own words, that this is the case and then pro­ ceeds to expound the ten laws o f the heavenly kingdom. It is not easy to get around our Lord’s words in Mt. 5 :19: “Whosoever therefore shall break one o f these least command­ ments and shall teach men so, he shall be the least in the kingdom o f heaven.” In His sight it must be a serious offense to rob believers of words which He Him­ self characterized as “spirit and life” (Jn. 6:63). Mr. Hamilton shows that Jesus never gave a command without also providing the power to obey it, thus meeting the argument that the sermon on the mount is “impossible.” No parent would order his child to do something he knew to be impossible for him to carry out. Christ Himself possesses all the qualities He claims from us, and as He dwells in us, obedience becomes the natural thing. As to these teachings being for the Kingdom age, Mr. Hamilton agrees that not until then will nations be governed by these laws, but meanwhile Christ’s King­ dom consists not o f nations, but of indi­ viduals. Each o f these laws is confined in the Epistles. The reviewer has found these exposi­ tions most refreshing and helpful, and trusts the book may come into the hands of many who have been perplexed as to some recent teachings. Marshall Bros, are the publishers and the American price is $1.75. —B. — o — Love Trails of the Long Ago By D r . J ames I. V ance Another attractive, interesting, inspir­ ing and educational book is now ready for us. Nearly everyone enjoys a love story

and here we have one taken from life. Dr. Vance begins with the love story in the Garden of Eden and gives us some o f the striking love stories of the Old Testament. W e find the love o f wives, husbands, mothers, maidens and man for man beautifully illustrated with many, many helpful lessons drawn, the lights and shadows o f the lives being clearly shown. The book closes with two love-tales of the New Testament, the last one being of the love o f the Lord Jesus which led Him to the cross that He might become our Saviour. It is beautifully told and, we feel, will draw us closer to our Lord. W e especially recommend this book for young people o f college age. Many mis­ takes in choosing life partners might be avoided could our young folks be im-v pressed with the truths which are set forth in this new book by Dr. Vance. The publishers are Fleming H. Revell Co. Price $1.50 for 174 pages. —O. G. B. —o— Secret Fraternal Societies and Unitarianism By C. E. P utnam This book gives what the author be­ lieves to be the Scriptural reasons why a Christian cannot consistently be a mem­ ber o f a secret organization, giving also much information as to the oaths re­ quired and the rules governing such lodges. A large amount of Scripture is quoted and shows to an unprejudiced mind that a secret organization is of the world and hence not for a real Christian. The lodge does not permit the name of Christ to be used, even in prayer. They do not pro­ fess to be Christian institutions but mere­ ly religious. All people, whether Jew, Mohammedan, or Christian, will find no offense to their religion. He reasons that it is a poor place for a Christian to be found. It seems to the reviewer, who is wholly in sympathy with the truths of the book, that at least part of the book is written in an antagonizing spirit. All that is said is no doubt true, but wq regret that it was not written more kindly, simply and with less repetition. Printed by Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n., Chicago, 64 pages, paper cover, and cost is 30c. —O. G. B. — o — Christian Conquest in the Congo B y D r . J ohn M. S pringer It is rarely given to a missionary to go back, after years, over the pioneer ground o f his earlier efforts and to view the re­ sults. Such, however, was the joy which came to the author of this book, and he gives us, in a graphic way, the results. The opening of the cannibal territory of the Luba and Bakete countries in Africa, as well as many, many other stations, is told. Dr. and Mrs. Springer work under the Methodist Board and give a splendid idea o f the work and workers since about 1910 in this needy field. The names of the

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