King's Business - 1928-05


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

May 1928

nor fear, so her father said: “Aren’t you afraid, darling?” “No,” was the reply. “ But you don’t know who has got you.” “No, I don’t,” she said; “but you do, father.” The Christian need never fear when danger seems around. “ Our Father, which art in heaven,” is watching over us all.


M a y 17, 1928 Text : 1 Tim. 1 :15

Mary Ellen’s Diary B y M rs. H . S. Lehm an A brigh t, scin tillatin g story, filled w ith vivid , eager epi­ sodes in the life o f a y ou n g girl w ho ccm fides all her ex­ periences in a series o f “ diary letters” to her chum , Edith. The sto ry centers around the com in g o f a y o u n g evangelist to M a ry’ E llen’s ch u rch and her ow n reaction to the ser­ m ons o f K enneth M cC ray. This w holesom e, refreshing b o o k w ill hold y o u r interest from start to finish. A rt P a per 75 cents T h is volum e con tain s the entire B ook o f Psalm s— w rit­ ten in beau tiful verse form — U and the versification has been accom p lish ed w ith su ch rare genius and spiritual under­ standing that n othing o f the beau ty and teach in g o f the original form has been lost. W e are sure these Psalm s, so exqu isitely m etered, w ill p rov e a great blessin g and delight to all lovers o f the W ord . C loth $2.00 The Peerless Poems of David the King B y W . C. Stevens T h is w insom e b o o k is a blessed revelation on the su b ­ je ct o f the L ord ’ s Second C om ing. It m akes y ou feel that the w hole B ible is under re­ view and that it fully agrees w ith itself. It w ill open the eyes o f m any o f the you n g and o f the old to a new and fuller app reciation o f the blessed hope o f H is glorious appearing. P aper 50 cen ts; C loth $1.00 What has a Church a Right to Expect of its Ministers? B y V ernon L . Shontz B oth p u lp it and pew need this splendid m essage, becau se m odern ch u rch es have cau gh t the sp irit o f the. tim es and are dem anding m ore and m ore o f the m en th ey call to o f­ ficiate as m inisters. Their requirem en ts are 1 e g i o n— m any o f them unreasonable, unjust, unw ise. P a stors, m em ­ bers o f official b oa rd s and all ch u rch m em bers should read this little b ook . Single cop ie s 15 cents Mysteries of the Kingdom

Once when Spurgeon was asked to speak in the great Crystal Palace in London, he went there one morning to test his voice in the building, and from the platform uttered these words, “ This is a faithful saying and worthy o f all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” Later Spurgeon’s brother was called to see a dying artisan, who told this story: “ Twenty-five years ago I was working one morning on the dome of the Crystal Palace. I was a rank unbe­ liever. Suddehly there came a voice, ‘This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.’ From that day till now I have served Christ.” God’s Word will fulfil its mission if we are faithful in our testimony. ■ «¡Sr M ay 18, 1928 T ex t: 2 Cor. 2 :15 When I was a boy working for the missionaries, I used to see a small bottle on the table in the bedroom. The bottle had a small rubber bulb on the top (an atomizer), and I wondered much what was in that bottle. One day I pressed the bulb, and to my surprise something like water was sprayed all over the room, and I heard a very nice odor (natives hear smells). Just then Mrs. Missionary came into the room. She knew at once I had been meddling, because there was no way that I could hide the fragrance of that perfume. So with the sweet savor o f Christ! If you have it, it cannot be hid, and others are sure to know about it.—From a native African preacher’s address.

Peter the Fisherman Philosopher B y D r. John M . M acln nis B e l i e v i n g that P eter’s speeches and epistles con tain a sound ph ilosoph y o f life e x ­ pressed in sim ple language, Dr. M acln nis has ch osen P eter to explain fo r us su ch vital q u es­ tion s a s: W h at is the origin and m eaning o f the w orld? W h at is w ron g w ith the w orld? W h y do m en seem to find it easier to d o w ron g than right? W h at is the goal o f h istory? E tc. Super C loth $1.50 B y D avid Lee Jam ison, L.L .B . L egal evidence--— sum m ed up from a law yer’s view point— to p rov e to an y ju ry o r any fair-m in ded individual t h a t Jesus o f N azareth rose from the dead. O ne o f the m ost in ­ teresting b o o k s y o u ever read —-con taining in form ation that w ill enable y o u to p u t to rout unbelieving sco ffe rs w hen th ey assail y ou w ith their d evil-in spired claim s that the resu rrection is a m yth. P a per 35 cents Under Whose Wings B y Z en ob ia B ird A lth ou gh t h i s ca p tivatin g b o o k is w ritten in fictional form , the au th or tells us that the inciden ts are taken from a c t u a l experiences— a fa ct w hich m akes these fresh, happy, sparklin g life stories o f even greater, interest. A fter reading this volu m e y ou w 'll b e able to p ra y w ith greater assu ran ce fo r G od’s guidance in the ordinary, everyday a f­ fairs o f life as w ell as fo r H is help in m ore im portan t events. C loth $1.75 The Resurrection of Jesus

M a y 19, 1928 T ext: Isa. 28:9

A lady missionary in the East tells that one day a woman came to her with a baby whom she had found in a ditch. The poor child had been cast out by its own father, a 5 thousands of others in heathen countries had been, because,, it was “only a girl.” In begging the lady to take charge o f the poor, little un­ attractive object (it was covered with mud), the woman said, “Please do take this little thing; your God is the only God that teaches us to be good to little children."

M ay 20, 1928 Text: Gal. 5:19-21

I f m on ey does n o t a ccom p an y order, g o o d s w ill b e sent C. O . D . If g o o d s are to com e b y m ail a d d 1 0 % fo r postage. Send fo r a free c o p y o f ou r com p lete C a ta log o f * B ook s, B ook lets, T racts, etc. BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bibleinstitute,LosAngeles,Calif.

Dr. Wilbur Chapman tells of a time when he was in the offices of the Southern Pacific Railroad in San Francisco, and the General Passenger Agent asked him if he had seen the big trees of California. “ I have seen them as I looked from the car window in pass­ ing,” said Dr. Chapman. “Then you have not seen them,” the agent smilingly replied, “ for they must be studied to be appreciated.”

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