King's Business - 1928-05

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

May 1928


Calling for his secretary, he stretched out before his visitor a measuring line. On the one side was his affidavit, in which he said, “ I have measured one o f the big trees o f California; its cir­ cumference is 105 feet, its diameter, 35 feet; and the height was to me so amazing that I hesitate here even to suggest it.” Then he said to Dr. Chapman, “How' large would you think the seed o f a big tree like that might be?” When Dr. Chapman asserted that it ought to be o f enormous size, he received into his hand a number of these little seeds, and they were smaller than a lettuce seed. Even so it is with sin. An evil imagination encouraged, an impure thought harbored,. an unholy ambition controlling us, and the work is begun, but the end no human tongue is able to describe.

EneiLA IlHT ) jT\ .«-X

Entertaining Volumes That Will Help

Your in Your Spiritual Life

The Conflict

B y E lizabeth K nauss T h is splendid b o o k should be p u t in to the hands o f as m any y o u n g readers as p o s ­ sible to defeat the evolu tion ­ ary teach in g o f so m any p re s­ en t-d ay sch ools and colleges. Its reading w ill greatly help to ch eck the H ood o f indifference and unbelief and b rin g y ou n g people b a ck to the faith o f ou r fathers. T h ere’s hum an in ­ terest and rom ance, too, in this splendid piece o f fiction. C loth $1.50 The Betrayal of Jean Whitney B y K eith L . B rooks Jean threw her B ible o n the flo o r and w alked ou t o f the ch u rch a fter hearing the new p a sto r p u b licly d eclare that the B ible w as old -fa sh ion ed ; that the A dam and E ve story w as a fable, etc., and that the B ible w as b o th true and u n ­ true. H ow Jean w as trapped and betrayed, b rou gh t hom e to die, sou gh t forg iven ess fo r re­ nou n cin g the B i b l e , and th rou gh her d yin g testim on y stirred a w hole com m u n ity to seek C hrist, m akes a story that y ou w ill w an t to read from start to finish w ithout stoppin g. P a per 50 cen ts; K era tol $1.00 Cynthia Stands Fast B y F lorence N ye W hitw ell T h e p roblem s o f p resen t-day socia l life that C ynthia faced after her con version are like those o f m any oth er you n g C hristians, and this sto ry w ill en cou rage its readers to “ stand fa st” in the fa c e o f daily tem ptations. P a per 75 ce n ts; C loth $1.25

M ay 21, 1928 Text : 1 Jno. 1 :8


A girl went to a Catholic priest and confessed that she had incurred the sin of vanity. “What makes you think that?” cried the priest. “ Because every morning when I look into the mirror,!’ she replied, “ I think how beautiful I am.” “ Never fear,” said the priest. “That isn’t sin—that’s just a- mistake.” , Some fancy that they have attained sinless perfection, but the mirror o f the Word o f God should be sufficient to show them that it is a mistake. The nearer men come to Christ, the more they feel how immeasurably far short they fall o f the beauty of holiness found in Him.

In the Twinkling of An Eye

B y Sydney W a tson T h is fam ous b o o k is u n ­ dou b ted ly the b est piece o f fiction ever w ritten on the su b ­ je ct o f the L o rd ’s S econ d C om ­ ing. People w ho w ould never read the B ible to learn abou t the gloriou s appearing o f our Saviour, w ill read w ith keen interest and great enjoym ent this w ell-w ritten sto ry o n the su bject. If y ou haven’t read this b ook , b y all m eans ord er a c o p y now . C loth $1.75

M ay 22, 1928 Text : 2 Tim. 3 :15

. “A mother o f a family,” writes the Rev. Adolph Monod, “was married to an infidel, who made jest o f religion in the pres­ ence of his own children; yet she succeeded in bringing them all up in the fear of the Lord. I asked her one day how she preserved them from the influence o f a father whose sentiments were so opposed to her own. This'was her answer: ‘Because to the authority o f a father I do not oppose the authority o f a mother, but that o f God. From their earliest years my children have always seen the Bible on my table. This holy Book has constituted the whole o f their religious instruction. I was silent, that I might allow it to speak. Did they propose a question, did they commit a fault, the Bible answered, reproved, or en­ couraged them. The- constant reading o f the Scriptures has wrought the result which surprises you.’ ” i

The Mark of the Beast B y Sydney W a tson T h is sequel to “ In the T w in k­ ling o f A n E ye’’ gives a real­ istic, aw e-in spirin g pictu re o f happenings during the reign o f the A n tich rist. It tells w hat the m ark o f the B east is aind w h at the fate w ill be o f the “ left beh in d” ones w h o refuse to w ear this m ark. A n in stru c­ tive, fascin a tin g sto ry that b o th y ou n g and old will enjoy. C loth $1.75 Who Is The Great I Am ? B y K eith L . B rook s T h is b o o k exalts the L ord Jesus C hrist in a clea r and con vin cin g w ay that w ill brin g penetrating ligh t to m any sorely puzzled C hristians. P aper 60 cents

Scarlet and Purple B y Sydney W a tson A sw ift m ovin g narrative full o f rom ance, adven tu re and thrills. A splendid b o o k fo r you n g p eop le o r any u n con ­ verted friends, as it brin gs the reader fa ce to face w ith Jesus C hrist— as Saviour— and em ­ phasizes the “ m u st” o f the N ew Birth. C loth $1.75

M ay 23, 1928 T e x t: Rom. 12:6-8

A clockmaker in a European village was commanded to make a clock for the village with a proper sentiment across its face. The clock was finished, but the town fathers had no sentiment to furnish. The clockmaker’s importunity angered the fathers and they ordered him away time and again. At last they chal­ lenged him, “Mind your business.” The clockmaker, thinking this was the sentiment, wrote it across the face o f the clock. Surely it is true that every clock in the world is saying just this to men—“Mind your business.” Time is short and if you would finish your task you must keep at it.

If m on ey does n o t a ccom p an y order, g o o d s w ill b e sent C. O . D . If g o o d s are to com e b y m ail add 1 0 % fo r postage. Send fo r a free co p y o f ou r com p lete C atalog o f B ook s, B ook lets, T racts, etc. EiOL>& BOOK RODIVI Biblglnstitüté,losAngeles,Califs

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