King's Business - 1928-05

May 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


M ay 24, 1928 Text: Isa. 40:8

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Dr. F. B. Meyer, traveling one day to Chicago with a time­ table on one knee and a Bible on the other, was accosted by an American who entered the same railway carriage, with the fol­ lowing remarks: “ I guess that old Book of yours is about played out.” . “What do you mean ?” asked the doctor. “Well,” came the reply, “ don’t you know that the Old Testa­ ment is made up of a lot of stories and traditions that are what you might call folklore, and that the New Testament endorses the whole?” “Look here,” replied the doctor; “when I left the depot this morning I brought with me this time-table. I don’t know who compiled it, nor the sources from which it was derived, but I have been watching and testing it for the last four hours, and have discovered that the list o f stopping-places it gives tallies exactly with those which occur en route. I am beginning to believe this time table, and to feel that if it has proved true for the past, I may trust it to get me to Chicago.” The American wondered what that had to do with the ques­ tion. The doctor explained. “This old Book,” he went on, “has been tested by unnumbered millions. It has been authenticated by the use of the Saviour o f the world. I have tested it myself from childhood. Take its prophecies. They have been literally, fulfilled, and they are being fulfilled. It’s the time­ table of the human pilgrimage.” One morning a little baby, wrapped in a blanket, was dis­ covered outside St. Thomas’s Hospital. He was taken into the hospital, and the nurses cared for him. They did not know what to call him, for no one owned him, so they called him “ Tom,” after the Hospital, and “ Bridges,” because of the two bridges which spanned the river on either side o f the Hospital. Tom Bridges grew up to be a man, and better still, to love the Lord Jesus Christ. One day when Darwin returned from Tierra del Fuego, he said that he would sooner try to civilize the dogs in the street than try to civilize the people who lived out there. And Tom Bridges said, “I am going out there with the Gospel message.” And he went. Twelve years later, when Darwin visited the place again, he saw the people clothed and civilized, and singing their hymns in the little chapel. Such is the power o f the Gospel. Al*. ' m M ay 26, 1928 Text: Zech. 13:9 Dr. Stuart Holden has told his congregation how, when he visited a factory in the North of England, where costly china was being made, the thing which interested him most, in all he saw, was the painting on the finished product. “ It had been through many different processes, and was taken to the studio fot the artists to complete. I saw the pattern being put on in various colors, and noticed that a great deal of black was being used. On asking why, I was told, ‘It is black n ow ; but it will be gold when it comes out o f the fire.’ Is not this just as in our lives? What is put on black we do not recognize as gold at the time, and the thing which is gilding our lives—or is intended to do so —is very often put on in darkness and blackness.” M ay 25, 1928 Text : 1 Sam. 3 :8



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