Solutions: Be Healthier, Stronger & More Active

“I Want To Get Back To Activities I Love Pain Free. ”

7 Easy Tips To Sustain A Healthier Lifestyle

1. Take care of aches and pains. Don’t let these long-term problems linger. Get professional help at Solutions Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine. 2. Limit your sitting. Get up every 30 minutes and walk around at work and home. 3. Get out and move. Exercise regularly. At least walk every day. 4. Nutrition and portion control. Keep your intake of food nutritious and portion sizes healthy. Many restaurants serve more food than one person needs at one meal. Take control of the amount of food that ends up on your plate by splitting an entrée with a friend. Or, ask the wait person for a “to-go” box and wrap up half your meal as soon as it’s brought to the table. 5. Drink more water. Water keeps your body systems functioning at an optimum level. 6. Breathe! Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. If your chest hand moves more than your abdomen you are breathing less efficiently. This can increase pain and impair muscle function. Try to get your abdomen to expand as you breath in with little or no chest movement.

7. Get enough sleep. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is best to get into a routine so you go to bed and wake up on a regular cycle. This helps your endocrine system.

Discover Our Active Injuries Program

Don’t let pain become a way of life Pinpoint the exact cause of your pain or injury!

Relieve your spinal pain! Do you suffer with a y of the following symptoms? • Pain while bending or reaching • Chronic back pain • Difficulty with stiffness and soreness • Pain from an old injury or accident • Difficulty completing simple tasks • Radiating pain to muscles and joints


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