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HEURE DETOMBÉE Mardi à 9h30 DEADLINE Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.
Les petites annonces sont payables à l’avance. Classified ads are paid in advance. 15¢ lemot additionnel • 15¢ additional word
Garderies Gardiennes Babysitter available 21 HOME AWAY FROM HOME. A caring and nurturing environment for your child to grow and learn. Nutritious meals and snacks. Fenced yard. Smoke free home. Bilingual. Full time positions avai- lable. Rockland. Lisa (613)216-2324. À LA PATTE POI- LUE TOILETTAGE ET CHENIL/AT THE HAIRY PAW GROO- MING AND KENNEL. Here it’s not just Boarding. Special combo 10% off on grooming for dog and cat when boarding./Ici on ne fait pas juste de l’hébergement, spécial combo 10% de rabais pour chiens et chats sur le toilet- tage durant l’héber- gement. Call/appelez (613)702-4103 or/ou (613)488-2595. Animaux Animals 23
ROCKLAND , 1 CAC, poêle et réfrigérateur inclus, 795$/mois les services inclus, dispo- nible. (613)833-0659 ROCKLAND: 1 CAC, 4 appareils, non-fumeur, pas d’animaux, person- ne seule ou couple. 750$/mois plus servi- ces. Disponible. Réfé- rences requises. (613)446-5087. ROCKLAND , 1200 Laurier, 2 CAC, 1.5 salle de bains. 4 appa- reils, stationnement, eau incluse. 975$/mois plus services. Disponi- ble en février. 613-229- 0097 ROCKLAND , 1er jan- vier, 1 CAC, spacieux, tranquille, propre, chauffé, éclairé, cuisi- nière, réfrigérateur, en- trepot et stationne- ment, 800$/mois. Apel- lez ou texto 613-298- 2205 ROCKLAND, 2 grand CAC, 850$/mois plus les services. (613)419- 1264. (613)612-9969. ROCKLAND 2095 Vic- toria Street, Central Lo- cation, large 2 bdrm 1,000 sq. ft. Large bal- cony. Laundry room in aprt. quiet building. In- cluded: water, storage and parking. No car- pets. No pets. No ap- pliances. Available im- mediately. 930$/month + hydro. (613)324-2576 ROCKLAND , 3 be- drooms, spacious, completely renovated, appliances included, large backyard, non smoker, no pets, refe- rences required, $950/month plus utili- ties. (613)446-6148.
Autos et
Maisons louer Houses for rent
Maisons louer Houses for rent
ROCKLAND: 436 Yves street 1 bedroom aprt, well lighted, fridge and stove included, $700/month heated, electricity not included, no animals, Available now. Call (613)868- 2500 ROCKLAND: 875 rue Laurier, 2 CAC, poêle, réfrigérateur et lave- vaisselle inclus. 850$/mois, non-chauf- fé, ni-éclairé. Libre. Ap- pelez (613)835-3545 (613)487-2653. 1 CAC 690$/mois, libre immé- diatement, pas chauffé, pas éclairé, pas d’ap- pareils ménagers, 1 grand stationnement. (613)325-0415 ROCKLAND, centre- ville, 2ième étage, 1 CAC, balcon, station- nement, réfrigérateur et poêle, chauffé et eau inclus. Non inclus: hy- dro. 785$/mois, dispo- nible immédiatement. (613)724-1559 ROCKLAND, freshly painted, move-in condi- tion in a quiet area, 2 bedroom + den, lower duplex. 1 parking, wood-burning fireplace, laminate flooring, 6 ap- pliances. Heat, light and water included in rent. $995/month. Kijiji id#1027049863 For appointment: 613-816- 8726 river- view, 1 bedroom, newly r e n o v a t e d , 650$/month, available immediately. (613)446- 5678 ROCKLAND CEN- TRAL. WENDOVER ,
CAC, chauffé, 750$/mois./1 bachelor, 650$/mois tout inclus Références. (613)419- 1264 (613)612-9969 LIMOGES 52, MAIN. “Bachelor” disponible le 1er décembre 600$/mois, chauffé et éclairé. Cuisinière et réfrigérateur inclus. Pas d’animaux, non-fu- meur. Personne “ma- ture”. Appeller pour rendez-vous. 613-443- 5335 ou 613-286-3684 PLANTAGENET , 2 CAC, fraîchement rénové, stationnement, 630$ non chauffé, non- éclairé, libre; (613)229- 7904. ROCKLAND - Gor- geous new condo in downtown Rockland located at 750 St-Jac- ques St. Ground floor, 2 bedrooms, 1 ba- throom, private balco- ny, parking, radiant flooring, A/C, carpet free, 5 appliances. No pets/non smoking, $1,200/month, plus uti- lities. Available January 1st. Call (613)487- 9661. ROCKLAND - 1189 Caron, 2 CAC, poêle, réfrigérateur, laveuse et sécheuse inclus. 830$/mois + hydro. Disponible immédiate- ment. Paul (613)859- 2285 ROCKLAND, 3028A Cercle Lemay, apparte- ment neuf, sous-sol, 1 CAC, 4 appareils mé- nagers, eau & station- nement inclus, 750$/mois plus hydro & gaz.. Disponible immé- diatement. (613)913- 2918
Camions Cars & Trucks
1-ACHAT/BUY . Cars and truck, used or scrapped. Pay cash. 7 days a week service. Free Pick-up. Call Claude (613)292-7066. ACHETONS auto, ca- mion de toutes sortes pour ferraille. Payons comptant. (613)880- 9975. (613)673-1168 Divers espaces Miscellaneous spaces 11 ROCKLAND. Storage garage 22’ x 22’ with 10 foot garage door, avai- lable, $250/month. (613)868-9305 Logis - Condos louer Apartments - Condos for rent 12 ALFRED, 283 St-Phi- lippe St., bachelor, heat, light, parking, storage, fridge, stove, laundry room, $450., available immediately; 1(877)870-3432. BOURGET. Apparte- ment de 2 CAC, 2260 Laval, apt #1, au deuxième étage en haut, grand apparte- ment, libre 1er janiver, stationnement et eau compris, 550$/mois plus electricité. (613)487-2949 CENTER ROCKLAND. Large 0ne bedroom, fridge and stove, eat-in kitchen, parking, heat and hydro included, $800/month, available January 1st, close to all amenities, bus, GT and Independant. (613)799-9396
BOURGET , main floor, 3 bedrooms, 4 applian- ces, $1,200/month hy- dro and heat included. Available January 1st. Quiet place, swimming pool. Also half garage available. (613)913- 3067 CONS- TRUCTION, Maison à louer (partie du bas avec walk-out), avec accès à la rivière si- tuée à Treadwell, 2 CAC, grand terrain, disponible immédiate- ment, 750$/mois, non- chauffé, ni éclairé, cou- ple mature demandé non fumeur. L’entretien du terrain est inclus. Communiquer au 613- 880-1825. ROCKLAND , doit être vu, 1 + 1 CAC, 4 appa- reils, déblaiement de neige fourni, 950$/mois plus services, disponi- ble immédiatement. Non fumeurs, pas d’animaux. (613)487- 3487. (613)791-8906. NOUVELLE
1-PEINTRE - RÉNO- VATEUR travail de qualité, propre. Réfé- rences sur demande. Estimation gratuite. Guy 613-446-5979. Cell: 613-612-1549 COMPUTER REPAIR Dependable in shop or onsite for over 20 years. Moved to Wen- dover. Michel (613)673-3380 FREE PICKUP OF SCRAP School Buses, Transport Trailers, Cars and Pick-ups. We pay fair money. Mauri- ce. (613)406-9755
ROCKLAND . One month free if you sign before Christmas. Beautiful updated 2 be- droom on a quiet dead end street. Carport with double driveway, large backyard with mature trees. Newly painted. New floors, roof, high efficiency gas furnace. Non smoking. $1,175/month plus utili- ties. Available. You will not be disappointed. Call now (613)324- 5631 RUE JOANISSE , 3 CAC, grand terrain, non chauffé, non éclairé, 1100$/mois, libre im- m é d i a t e m e n t . (613)833-0330 Bright open concept semi-de- tached bungalow, with 2+1 bedrooms. Hard- ward/ceramic on main, A/C, fenced yard, no rear neighbours. Avai- lable January 1st, $1,100/month plus utili- tes. Call 613-668-0143 ROCKLAND WENDOVER .
MARCOUX Rénovations complètes de la maison (613)446-5744
Attention Avis/Notice
MAPLE SYRUP ma- king equipment in buil- ding with dining area available, with cans or possible vacuum ope- ration, tapping of 800+ trees. For interested person call. (613)488- 9841 NEED CASH NOW? We buy guns, licensed dealer in Hawkesbury. We want your firearms and militaria. Quick, easy and confidential; tradeex@bellnet.ca or(613)632-4848.
Maisons louer Houses for rent
Chambres louer Rooms for rent
Offres d emploi Job offers
ROCKLAND , large bungalow, riverview, 3 bedrooms, 2 ba- throoms, screened porch, double garage. no carpets. Appliances included. Natural gas furnace, A/C, Central v a c c u u m . $1,500/month plus uti- lies. Call (613)884- 5121
BOURGET , first month half price, rooms for rent , men only, in- cludes A/C, hydro, heat, 4 appliances, bed, TV, cable. Good price. (613)866-3689
BILINGUAL DRIVER. DZ license, clean ab- strack, 3 years fuel tan- ker experience. Full or Part-time (613)229- 8181
Schluter waterproof system for SHOWERS
Votre spécialiste en crédit et véhicules d’occasion Your specialist in credit and used vehicles
Système imperméable Schluter pour DOUCHES
Transport écolier Conducteur de mini-van • Classe G- Idéal pour personne retraitée Accompagnateur pour Para Transport région Casselman 613-632-7809
Guaranteed Approval*
Is looking for MOBILE MECHANIC WITH EXPERIENCE. Interested applicants contact Service Manager Mike Frost at 613-739-0090 or mike@centraltt.com
613-850-0836 20 ans avec les produits Schluter
Approbation de crédit garantie Bon, mauvais ou aucun crédit*
www.cummingsauto.com 3003 St-Joseph, Orléans 613-834-8885 Luc or Ray
* Need full-time job. Minimum income $1800/month * Besoin d’un emploi à temps plein. Revenu minimum de 1 800$/mois
613.632.1131 1.800.267.4101 www.maisoninterludehouse.ca info@maisoninterludehouse.ca SERVICES POUR FEMMES VICTIMES DE VIOLENCE/SERVICES FOR ABUSED WOMEN • Hébergement/Shelter • Counselling • Programme enfants-ados/Child and youth program • Accompagnement : cour criminelle et familiale/Accompaniment: criminal & family court • Aide pour trouver un logement, budget/Help with housing, budget • Groupe « Briser le cycle…»/ Pattern Changing group SERVICES GRATUITS ET CONFIDENTIELS/CONFIDENTIAL AND FREE SERVICES
Ghislain Lalonde
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