Gabriel Vilardi: typical Canadian guy SPORTS
ROCKLAND | If the word «Canadian» in the dictionary used illustrations then the face of Gabriel Vilardi could very well be one of the top prospects. The 15-year-old Kingston boy is almost the quintessential Canadian, including an abiding love for hockey ever since he could put on a pair of skates and pick up a stick. “You grow up in Canada, you enjoy play- ing it,”Vilardi said, smiling. The thing is, he and his brother, Frances- co, are the sole members of the Vilardi fam- ily who have taken up the game in a serious way. Right now Francesco is down south in Michigan state, playing for the Plymouths in the OHL. Gabriel turned his gaze north and a bit to the east to Rockland and the Cana- dian International Hockey Academy (CIHA). Before he became part of the CIHA stu- dent body, Vilardi used to play for the Fron-
tenacs bantam club and notched 38 points for his team across a 20-game spread before an injury benched him for the rest of the season. Now with what he’s learning at the academy, the six-two centre hopes to both move his game up more than a few notches and get his chance at a big rink spot. “It’s a great school,” he said. “You develop everything. That’s what I’m hoping to do.” As a first-year student at the academy, a typical day for Vilardi means up and out of bed at 7:45 a.m., breakfast eaten and per- sonal grooming taken care of so he can make his first class by quarter to nine. Then an hour later is gym time, lunch at 11:30, back in class after the noon period for an- other three hours. Then it’s ice time at 3 p.m. working on his shooting skills and other hockey tricks. “It’s been great,”he said.“I’ve learned a lot.” When he showed up in Rockland, Vilardi
already had some specific goals in mind for his on-ice time at the academy. Much of it revolved around making his shots on goal faster and more accurate. That meant being able to move faster during a game. “I wanted to be quicker on my feet,” he said. “It’s my first of three steps (to success).” So far he’s happy with how he’s doing on his own personal progress scale. “I’m getting better.” Outside of classes and his ice time, Vilardi enjoys hanging out with his fellow students, playing Xbox games inside, or chasing after the orange ball in a road hockey match. “I like it here,” he said. “Kingston’s pretty quiet. Rockland’s quiet too.” The All-Canadian guy has All-Canadian dreams after he graduates from the acad- emy. “I’d like to play pro hockey in the NHL,” he said, grinning. “It’d just be a dream to play.”
Gabriel Vilardi
The CIHA Voyageurs varsity squad has enjoyed a nice run of wins as it wraps up the first half of the season. The Voyageurs finished the November schedule with three wins against Hawkesbury, Embrun, and Polyvalente St-Agathe plus a tie match in the mid- month with Embrun. The sole December game saw CIHA slam Hawkesbury against 8-2 in a home match, bringing the team’s season record up to 7-1-1 as the Christmas break approaches. The girls U18 team had a good first half of November with wins against Gloucester, Smith Falls and Perth. Their matches with Cornwall and OHA ended up as 1-0 losses for the CIHA while the mid-December game over the past weekend at the Nepean Sportplex ended with a 4-3 win for the host club. The CIHA U18 girls still have a 10-4-0 record at the end of the 2014 playing schedule. Voyageurs season scoreboard wrap
C’est avec grande tristesse que nous annonçons le décès de
October 25, 1960 - December 23, 1994 Gayle Rochon
de Hawkesbury, survenu le mercredi 10 décembre 2014, à l’âge de 83 ans. Il était le tendre époux de Lucie Rochon; le fils de feu Élphège Rochon et de feu Alda Leroux; le père bien-aimé de Marie (Jean-Pierre) et Pierre (Carla); le grand-père adoré de Mélissa, Samantha et Mitchell; le cher frère de Georgette (feu Aldé Chartrand). Il fut prédécédé par une soeur Yvette (feu Ronald Turcotte). Lui survivent également plusieurs beaux-frères, belles-soeurs, cousins, cousines, neveux, nièces et ami(e)s. La direction des funérailles a été confiée au Salon Funéraire Familial Berthiaume 416, rue McGill, Hawkesbury, Ontario (877) 632-8511. Les obsèques auront lieu en la paroisse Saint-Pierre-Apôtre de Hawkesbury le samedi 20 décembre 2014 à 11 h. La famille sera présente à compter de 10 h 30 pour recevoir vos condoléances. Pour ceux qui le désirent des dons à la Fondation des maladies du coeur de l’Ontario, 36, Deuxième rue est, Cornwall, Ontario, K6H 1Y3 seraient appréciés. Pour offrir vos condoléances par télécopieur, composez le (613) 632-1065 ou visitez notre site Internet
With tears in my eyes, twenty years have passed and my heart still hurts like the first moment I heard that my little girl was gone, I still see her in my wife’s arms with her curly hair and full of life. I am writing this with tears in my eyes and with a broken heart. It’s so hard to write with the hand that once held her, but to show her my love, I do and with all my heart I do, and I know that one day I will hold her again forever and ever and we will all be together again. To all who are going to read this, never forget the word Love, a word so small and yet so big. I love you. Dad xxoo Love always Mom, Dad, Bert, Jean Claude and Marc André
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Vingt années se sont écoulées depuis ton départ, mais malgré ton absence, ta présence est constante. Nous ne t'oublierons jamais. Toi qui étais une personne exceptionnelle et qui a touché la vie de tant de gens. Aucune journée ne passe sans que de bons souvenirs de toi ne viennent remplir nos vies.
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