The Business Review November 2021


New $1.2 Billion Infrastructure Legislation Bill Will Impact Southern Oregon Washington, D.C. | Wednesday, July 28, 2021 | Press Release I n November 2021, Congress passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure

bill, which promises to deliver new federal

investments in America’s infrastructure over the next five years. The bill includes improvements to several areas, including funding transit systems, improve the nation’s broadband system, upgrade airports, ports, and waterways, invest in electric vehicles, improve water for roads and bridges, money to modernize

and electric systems, and environmental

remediation. In addition to

President Biden signs the bipartisan bill into law on the South Lawn of the White House.

infrastructure projects being completed around the country, the state Legislature set aside $50 million to help Southern Oregon’s recovery from the wildfires and pandemic. The Oregon Legislature passed several wildfire and economic relief bills this session, and the federal government also provided money to help communities recover from economic problems due to the pandemic. Over $40 million was earmarked to cover projects in Jackson County, including: • Rebuilding efforts • A firefighter apprenticeship program • Improving a pipeline which transports water from Medford to Ashland, Talent and Phoenix • A new public safety building in Phoenix Additionally, individual senators and representatives received money to parcel out to local projects.

Sen. Jeff Golden, D-Ashland, gave $1 million for the urban campground, $1.4 million for the Family Nurturing Center and $1.3 million for Armadillo Technical Institute. Then, Rep. Kim Wallan, R-Medford, put $1.25 million into various projects, including sidewalk replacement near schools and in the Liberty Park neighborhood. There were also funds given to the other representatives, including Rep. Duane Stark, R-Grants Pass, and Rep. Pam Marsh, D-Ashland. Overall, it was a productive session, and everyone was pleased with how the funds were distributed. The Southern Oregon communities the senators and representatives serve were each given something which will help move recovery forward. With so much invested in infrastructure locally and nationally, there should be positive improvements made — and seen — over the next few years. n


The Business Review | November 2021

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