2023 Mast Young Plants Mum Catalog

Combos Mums

Mum Combos Triple Stuck Liners Mega50 Tray | Grown as a 50/Sold as a 50 - Pinched

Confetti Garden™ Mantle Homerun Orange, White and Yellow Improved Dummen Orange Mid

Confetti Garden™ Robinson Homerun Pink, Orange and Yellow Improved Dummen Orange Mid

Confetti Garden™ Mays Homerun Pink, Orange and White Dummen Orange Mid

Confetti Garden™ Leo Ditto Pink, White and Yellow Dummen Orange Early

Confetti Garden™ Pisces Ditto Pink, White, and Dark Orange Dummen Orange Early

Confetti Garden™ Ruth Homerun Pink, White and Yellow Improved Dummen Orange Mid

Confetti Garden™ Virgo Ditto Pink, Lemon, and Dark Orange Dummen Orange Early

Harvest Fusion™ Mix Jacqueline™ Yellow, Pink

and Orange Fusion Syngenta Flowers Early-Mid

Copper Penny™ Mix Beverly™ Orange, Bronze and Dark Bronze Syngenta Flowers Mid

Acorn Lane™ Mix Gigi™ Gold, Orange and Dark Pink Syngenta Flowers Mid


Jasoda Mix Jasoda Orange, Pink, and Yellow

Staviski Mix Staviski Red, Yellow and Pink

Gediflora Mid-Late

Gediflora Mid-Late



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