American Consequences - October 2019


And I can understand the moral sense and consistency of being opposed to all killing whether it’s in an abortion clinic or on a death chamber gurney. What I can’t understand is people who condone the death of itty-bitty babies but think a school shooter should get a time out. However, I’m not here to psychoanalyze Elizabeth Warren. (Although in my opinion running for president is a symptom of psychosis in the first place.) I’m just here to briefly summarize her campaign platform and try to make reading that summary a little less painful. Yet, while we’re on the subject of people who do not seem to be perfectly psychologically stable, we should note that Warren is not the perfect “Anti-Trump.” She’s made a number of statements opposing free trade and actually agrees with Trump’s tariffs. She supports withdrawing troops from Syria and Afghanistan. (And deploying them in Boston, I guess. According to Wikipedia, “Warren has worked to protect “ So, although Warren has found a dunghill of left-wing economics to stand atop and crow, she is not a complete cock-a-doddle-doo.

military spending in her home state of Massachusetts.”) She also takes Trump-like stands on getting tough with China and negotiating with North Korea. And, at least by the standards of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, she’s a fairly strong supporter of Israel. (With the usual sanctimonious “Two State Solution” noises.) She has not called for the forgiveness of all student-loan debt, though she has called for lower student loan interest rates and other forms of relief for scholars-in-hock. Once, years ago, in a book written with her daughter, she even expressed approval of school vouchers. She’s not an open-borders extremist. Yes, she’s against the Wall, for the Dreamers Act, wants border-crossing decriminalized, and deplores – not without reason, I may say – the conditions in migrant detention camps. But in 2013 she voted “Yea” on a Senate bill to toughen immigration laws. So, although Warren has found a dunghill of left-wing economics to stand atop and crow, she is not a complete cock-a-doddle-doo. Although there is one item on her agenda that does make you wonder. She wants climate- change regulation to be put under the control of the Department of Homeland Security. “Don’t worry about being late for your plane because of long lines at airport security, TSA has ordered good flying weather for the next three days!” Photos from AP


October 2019

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