American Consequences - October 2019

through tax dollars paid for by everyone. No one would call out Sweden, the U.K., France, Germany, Norway, Italy or Spain as being communist countries. Why does the media and electorate continue to parade out the bogeyman? Fear of losing? I will suggest that today’s U.S. executive administration is closer to fascism and totalitarianism than any prior point in U.S. history. Where is the media voice now? – Ron P. Buck Sexton comment: Ron, we appreciate your comments. I think you’re responding to an argument that I haven’t made in the piece or perhaps are choosing to make your own case without regard to what anyone else has written. But there is room for a few points. The original socialists – including Marx

owners any improvement over the kind of people who fed Christians to the lions in the Colosseum? Re: Dems Win 2020... First, we must define ‘socialism’. All too often a partisan media and eagerly partisan electorate inappropriately defines ‘socialism’ as ‘communism’. I beg to differ, strongly, as do the field of candidates now embroiled in primary campaigning for the Democratic nomination. ‘Democratic socialism’, as many are apt to label the current thought trends, proposes to develop a comprehensive safety net for ALL citizens. Not just the 0.01%, not just for the politically connected, not just for

himself – referred to their program as socialism, and the Soviets, for example, considered themselves socialists. As to your contention that people are treating the Democrats as Communists, I’ll leave that to others. America already has a very large welfare state... All in, it’s about a trillion dollars a year of government spending. Half of health care spending is currently spent by the federal government. With that in mind, the proposals that Democrats are putting forward – single payer and the “Green New Deal” – are

those who happened to arrive on these shores before some imaginary gates were closed. Proceeding with the minor proposals thus far put forward by the Democratic party candidates does not invoke communism, fascism, dictatorship, or any other form of totalitarian governmental body. We need simply observe the success of democratic socialism in Canada and across Europe wherein healthcare is provided to everyone at an affordable cost borne by the government and funded


American Consequences


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