American Consequences - October 2019


Government telling employers what to pay people creates nasty side effects. Five years ago, Seattle won fame by becoming the first American city to mandate a $15 per hour minimum. “Fifteen in Seattle is just a beginning. We have an entire world to win! Solidarity!” vowed City Councilmember Kshama Sawant. New York state and many cities followed in Seattle’s footsteps. But now the results from Seattle are in: Some people who already had jobs are being

enator Bernie Sanders ’ presidential campaign was just disrupted by campaign workers demanding the same $15 per hour Sanders demands

government force all employers to pay. It serves him right. Years ago, the activist group ACORN faced the same problem. After fighting for a higher minimum wage, they tried to convince a judge they should be granted an exception when paying their own workers, since they were involved in such important and productive work.


October 2019

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