Supported the establishment of Opportunities for Prevention and Transformation Initiative (OPT-In) for Families, led by the Doris Duke Foundation with collaborators Foster America, Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance, Chapin Hall, Think of Us, as well as other local and national funders. This three-year $33M initiative across four demonstration sites (Oregon, Kentucky, Washington, D.C., and South Carolina) aims to show that connecting families to coordinated support services—along with direct support—in their communities is a cost- effective, scalable way to prevent abuse and neglect. Each site will receive technical assistance and direct support for families. Foster America, working closely with the Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab as well as Chapin Hall and Think of Us, is supporting sites with overall coordination of the initiative; facilitation and support of a local advisory committee guiding the initiative; and coordination of the technical assistance that is provided. A dedicated full-time Foster America senior advisor will serve in each site.
Supported Thriving Families, Safer Children (TFSC): In 2023, Foster America contributes project management and strategic leadership support to this national partnership, working closely with the
Annie E. Casey Foundation, Casey Family Programs, Centers for Disease Control Injury Center, Children’s Bureau, and Prevent Child Abuse America, as well as leaders who have experienced the child welfare system firsthand. The initiative supports communities in 22 sites across the country that are developing approaches to promote family and community well-being and helping families avoid unnecessary child welfare system involvement.
Hosted 6 virtual learning Sessions
Facilitated 2 learning communities
Convened 9 Lived Experience Roundtables
2023 Annual Report
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