April 26 – May 30, 2024

Castletownbere student goes to work with the Badjao community in the Philippines

European & Local Elections Candidate: Patrick Murphy F isheries Campaigner, Patrick Murphy from Ballydehob, is repre- senting Aontú in the upcoming both on June 7, as I feel I have found my ‘political home’. Though an activist and of this country. The question I am asked

A yanna Letcher from Castletownbere is preparing to leave for Philippines on a four weeks eth- ical volunteer programme with Irish charity, SERVE. Ayan- na will leave in July after completing three months of pre-departure training. Ayanna will travel with ten others to work with the Badjao commu- nity in Cebu. Ayanna explains, “I’ve al- ways had a particular interest in contributing to making the world a better place. I chose to volunteer with SERVE because as unlike other overseas volunteering programmes they ensure the partner organisations are taken care of after we have left with additional funding, essentially making the project sustainable long term.” Ayanna also shares, “I grew up in rural West Cork and moved to Limerick for University where I’m currently studying Politics and sociology at UL. After college, I hope to work in community develop- ment alongside international NGOs.”

by my European counterparts is why Ireland doesn’t fight for its rich marine resources. These are resources that, as in Norway, could provide billions of euros in revenue to our economy every year and most importantly, create sustainable jobs and food security for this generation and for every gen- eration to come in Ireland. Yet, our waters are being gutted, we are allowed to catch just a paltry 15 per cent of fish in our own waters, our coastal communities are being deci- mated and the once thriving Pelagic industry is on its knees with the fish processing factory in Baltimore just one of two remaining plants in the entire country. The people of Ireland, the people of West Cork deserve better. They deserve straight talking politicians who will be their voice and fight for their rights. I give my absolute word that I will be a fearless defend- er of their jobs, their homes, their rights, their futures.

engage in an extensive training programme in the months leading up to their placement overseas. The training focuses on understanding challenges and barriers to community de- velopment. All volunteers also learn about self-care to support their Global citizenship. Check for more information. While on placement in Philip- pines, Ayanna and others in the group will be doing activities like caring for young children through play, songs, crafts etc; facilitating English lessons and much more. At an age when volunteerism has become more common, Ayanna shares, “I am definite - ly looking forward to the life lessons that I will learn. I hope this experience will teach me to be less materialistic and be able to feel a sense of achievement through the fundraising and volunteering process.” Ayanna needs all the help to help make an impact. Please support her fundraising efforts at (search Ayanna Letcher).

campaigner for decades, I had never been involved in active politics before I joined Aontú. I was immediately drawn to its strong principles; it has a leader in Peadar Tóibín that I am immensely proud to stand behind; he espouses all the qualities and values I respect, he is a man of his word and for the people, all the people. I think in a time of great po- litical and global unrest, people need people of character and courage who will stand up for what is right, what is genu- inely good and not political ‘popularity’ which is brittle and uncertain”. People are locked out of an ever more dysfunctional housing market, people can’t build on their own land, people are working all the hours to try and make ends meet and peo- ple are desperately trying to survive in fishing and farming sectors that are being absolute- ly decimated by laws that are unnecessary and unworkable and are penalising the people

Elections to the European Parliament for the Ireland South Constituency. He is also a candidate in the upcoming local election. Patrick, 52, is married to Rose, and the couple have four children. Through his family business, he’s been involved in the production of Mussels in Roaringwater Bay for the past 25 years. Patrick has also led the Irish South and West Fish Producers Organisation (IS&WFPO) based in Castle- townbere, County Cork in the role of Chief Executive Officer representing sea-fishermen throughout the south and west coasts at the local, national and European Union levels since 2016. “Aontú is a party founded on solid principles, true convic- tions and a desire to genuinely represent people in a spirit of true equality and inclusion. I’m proud to be a candidate for this party in the upcoming Local and European Elections,

SERVE’s work contributes to the 17 Global Goals. As a part of their commitment to becom- ing Global Citizens, volunteers

Do you want more of the same – crises in health, housing, crime, fishing and farming sectors – or will you send a resounding message to the Government that you want and you deserve better?

The future of Ireland

MEET THE CANDIDATE on May 11th in Ballydehob Community Hall 7pm

is in YOUR hands and June 7 th is your opportunity to vote for CHANGE

Refreshments served & questions welcome from the floor

If you want a person who keeps his word, values accountability, fights for your rights and looks forward to the return of common sense: VOTE NUMBER 1 PATRICK MURPHY BANTRY LEA & EUROPEAN ELECTION CANDIDATE FOR IRELAND SOUTH

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