April 26 – May 30, 2024 FOOD, HEALTH & LIFESTYLE


Ewe Experience seeks charity to support with money collected in wishing well

eggs are good sources. Supple- ment your diet with Vitamin C, copper, B vitamins, and foods rich in silicon like cherries, apples, tomatoes, and spinach. Omega 3 I’m a big fan of Omega 3, but I learned something new while researching bone health which is that omega-3 increases cal- cium absorption, helping to re- duce bone loss and maintaining mineral density within bones. According to a 1997 study in the journal Progress in Lipid Research, essential fatty acids “have now been shown to in- crease calcium absorption from the gut, in part by enhancing the effects of vitamin D, to reduce urinary excretion of calcium, to increase calcium deposition in bone and improve bone strength and to enhance the synthesis of bone collagen.” Seaweed Calcium Unsurprisingly, calcium intake is a very important factor in reversing bone loss. However, you might think all calcium is made equal, but that’s far from the case. What type of calcium you take is very important. Ideally we would eat a large variety of green veggies for most of our calcium needs. However, there

may still be a shortfall, so a supplement can be a good idea. I’ve always known that it was important to avoid chalk (cal- cium carbonate, found in many supplements) but I’ve actually come to realise that there’s only one form of calcium I want to take: algae or seaweed calcium. Luckily, more and more com- panies are using seaweed-based calcium, which is very bioavail- able and is showing very very good results as a bone strength- ener. Algae or Seaweed calcium comes from 100 per cent seaweed, and a lot of the algae calcium supplements available in Ireland are harvested off the Irish coast. The seaweed absorbs trace minerals from surrounding seawater during its growth phase. When you look at the trace mineral profile of these seaweed calcium supplements, it’s extraordinary – there’s around 74 different trace min- erals (including magnesium) which are all important for our bone health. It’s also alkalising, which is an extra benefit for me on my bone health journey! D3 and K2, trace minerals Other important supplements that I’m taking include D3 and K2-7, which need to be taken at the same time as the calcium to increase absorption. I some-

times take these separately, and sometimes as a combined sup- plement. We have a number of different options to suit different situations – call in and we can show you. Exercise The other really important factor is exercise. A sedentary lifestyle is strongly correlated with bone density loss. I’ve bought myself a weighted vest, and I’m working up from 5kg to 8kg. I wear this vest when walking our dog and every 30 steps or so, I jump – the impact from jumping jolts your bones and is thought to stimulate new bone cells to grow. I also stomp – I’ve read that this is also good! My aim is to introduce some weights, and I’m going to a pilates class weekly. If you’d like to talk to someone about bone health, call in to Organico and ask to talk to Fleur as she’s really been focusing on it for a while now. We are happy to share any information we have that you might find useful. We can’t give medical advice but we can help you to see where you might be able to make diet and lifestyle changes that can bring signifi - cant benefits to your bones.

T he Ewe Experience support with money collected in a popular wishing well during the upcoming Summer season. Send an e-mail with your charity to: and state a good case to be in with a chance of being chosen. This year the award-winning sculpture garden in Glengarriff gardens in Glengarriff is looking for a charity to

will be re-opening in late June for the summer season. Check out Among a string of exciting new sculp- tures is ‘The Cork Man’, made from hundreds of cork bottle tops, which welcomes visitors to the riverside gardens. A wide range of great causes have been supported by The Ewe Experience over more than 30 years, including Crumlin

Children’s Hospital, The Irish Heart Foundation, Greenpeace, Cork Cancer Research Centre, Rehabcare, The National Learn- ing Network, Bantry Hospice, The Alzheimer Society, Rural Animal Welfare Resources (RAWR), Bantry Care For The Aged, CoAction, Cork ARC Cancer Support House, Bum- blance and lately working on a community garden in Durrus.

Waking up early and foraging your own plants to make a fresh juice can be a stretch too far for many. With a huge variety of plants with a multitude of benefits, Salus Haus have a range of plant juices ready to drink without the risk of nettle stings or insect bites. It takes almost 350 g of plant to make a bottle of Salus fresh plant juice. These plant juices provide a high bioavailability of nutrients and are absorbed quickly. Salus fresh plant juices are all natural and unadulterated, without sweeteners or other flavour enhancers. The superb quality of Salus fresh plant juices is further guaranteed by the use of predominantly organic or wild grown plants and herbs. Add natural fruit or vegetable juice for flavour - Mother Nature had good intentions, but she did not always bother about a plant's good taste.

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