April 26 – May 30, 2024


Dúchas flax talk

Summer flowering annual bedding now in We’re on the banks of the Ilen, 1 mile west of SKIBBEREEN on the old Baltimore road. Fully signposted off N71. Open Mon to Sat 10am - 5.30pm, Sundays & bank holidays 2 - 5.30pm Phone: 028 21374 Q E DEELISH GARDEN CENTRE

D úchas Clonakilty Heritage organised a very interesting talk on flax growing and the traditional flax industry in West Cork on March 27 at the GAA Pavilion. Flax enthusiast, Kathy Kirwan, (seated front centre), delivered the talk to a very attentive audience who came from many areas of West Cork, and included people who worked directly or had links working with flax in the past. Commercial flax growing in West Cork died out in the late 1950s but was a very important cash crop during the two world wars and in previous centuries, (when up to 10,000 people were employed in it in the Clonakilty area alone 200 years ago). It was a very interactive event with some audience members revealing that they had worked in or their ancestors had operated flax mills. They made very interesting contributions to the discussions on the night. Among them were those in the front row: Barry Deane,

(Drimoleague), who worked in the Drinagh Flax Mill attached to the Co-Op; Maura Cal and Cróna McCarthy, (whose ancestors ran Bealad Flax Mill); Gretta O’ Donovan and her sister Lola Uí hEigeartaigh (whose father Martin Moloney operated Connonagh Flax Mill) and Michael O’ Sullivan, Rosscarbery, originally from Reenascreena, whose father was a Flax “Inspector”. At back are Dúchas committee members Don Hill, Seán Brennan, Noreen Minihan, Michael O’ Mahony, Fachtna McCarthy, Rachael Cronin, Barbara McGuirk, Tim Feen, (Cathaoirleach), Marian O’ Leary, (Secretary), Michael O’ Sullivan and Cionnaith Ó Súilleabháin. Kathy Kirwan would be delighted to be contacted by anyone with any information about flax and the related linen industry in the past. Her contact number is 086 225 5067 or KathyKirwanflax@gmail. com by email.


Big delivery of outdoor pots

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Peppermint Farm to introduce innovative ‘Rondo’ glasshouse at Bloom


G arden designer Hendrik Lepel will showcase at this year’s Bord Bia Bloom taking place over the June bank holiday weekend. Hendrik has designed ‘The Sun Harness Garden’ which is sponsored by Peppermint Farm Glasshouses. It is an educa- tional space, demonstrating how to create a microclimate within any Irish garden by harnessing the sun’s energy. A sun-rotating glass pavilion, the ‘Rondo’, seamlessly integrates into the design, bridging the gap between indoor comfort and the serenity of the outdoors. After collaborating with Bloom designers for many years, Hendrik is excited to bring his own show garden to the festival for the first time and sees it as an opportunity to showcase his creativity and crafting skills. With a mission to redefine outdoor living, he is dedicated to crafting unique outdoor sanctuaries that tran-

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scend functionality and enrich the senses. The Rondo glass pavilion is an innovative structure, designed and manufactured in Germany, that stands out with its unique 360-degree rota- tion and 180-degree opening capabilities—a feature not yet available in Ireland. Pepper- mint Farm Glasshouses is an exclusive agent in Ireland for this innovative pavilion. “We’re very proud to introduce it to the Irish market,” says Hendrik. The Rondo Glass Pavilion is an excellent addition to any garden, providing a versatile outdoor living space with a pan- oramic view. Its eye-catching dome roof design creates a focal point in any garden setting. Its ability to rotate with the sun and protect against the wind makes it a brilliant choice for outdoor living all year-round. It is an ideal al fresco sitting area, an all-year round meeting spot for the whole family and

friends, a relaxation/wellness space, it can be an event stage, part of a restaurant dining area, a destination in a park, a hot tub enclosure, or even a party pavilion. Based in West Cork, Pep- permint Farm offers turnkey garden solutions, supplying and installing freestanding green- houses, lean-to’s, conservatories and pavilions to customers nationwide. Originally started by Achim Hoffmann, on his retirement he passed the helm to another German living in West Cork, Hendrik Lepel, who took over the company with his partner Lisa Rauch in January 2022. With Hendrik’s expertise in landscaping and Lisa’s background in event manage- ment and office administration, Peppermint Farm don’t just provide glasshouse solutions for plants and people; if customers require help with their garden, the couple also integrate these glasshouses seamlessly into garden designs, offering turn- key solutions. Hendrik developed a passion for gardening during his per- maculture studies in Kinsale. A stone mason, with a background in construction engineering, he is renowned for crafting award-winning ovens which have featured in numerous Bord Bia Bloom show gardens. For more information on the Rondo glasshouse go to www. or follow on instagram.

Visit our showgardens at MALLOW Home & Garden Festival & at Bord Bia BLOOM in Dublin. Graceful and contemporary, the Rondo is a circular glass pavilion where you can enjoy 360° views of your garden and surrounds. Cool in the summer, snug through the winter, All Year Rondo.

For enquiries, quotations and orders please contact Hendrik Lepel and Lisa Rauch on 087 485 3979 or email: c @rondo_pavilions

PEPPERMINT FARM - the place to buy your greenhouse!

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