Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf


WHAT HE SEES. Looming above him are three figures. Two are HOVITOS WARRIORS in full battle paint and loin cloths. They carry long blow guns. But the man in the center draws Indy’s attention. He is a tall, impressive white man, dressed in a full safari outfit including pith helmet. His name is EMILE BELLOQ. His face is thin, powerful; his eyes hypnotic; his smile charming, yet lethal. His heavily French-accented speech is deep, mellifluous, wonderful. Back beyond Belloq and his two escorts, thirty more Hovitos Warriors hover at the edge of the trees.

BELLOQ Dr. Jones, you choose the wrong friends. This time it will cost you.

Belloq extends his hand. Indy looks at it, then produces the idol and hands it to Belloq. Belloq extends his other hand, smiling. Indy hands over his gun. Belloq sticks it in his jacket.

BELLOQ And you thought I’d given up.

INDY (eyeing the Hovitos) Too bad they don’t know you like I do, Belloq.


(smiles) Yes, too bad. You could warn them... if only you spoke Hovitos.

With that, Belloq turns dramatically and holds the idol high for all the Hovitos to see and says something in Hovitos. There is a murmur of recognition and all the Indians, including Belloq’s escorts, prostrate themselves upon the ground, heads down.

Indy is immediately up and running toward the edge of the clearing.

BELLOQ (in Hovitos)

Kill him!

AT THE EDGE OF THE CLEARING, Indy disappears into the foliage. An instant later, the leaves are peppered with a rain of poison darts and spears.

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