Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf


EATON (to Musgrove) Maybe Dr. Jones can make sense of it.

Again, the military men have a silent communication, deciding what to reveal.

MUSGROVE Well... you must understand, Dr. Jones, this is all strictly confidential.


I understand.

MUSGROVE Yesterday, one of our European sections intercepted a Nazi communique from Cairo to Berlin. We don’t quite know what to make of it.

Musgrove takes a sheet from his briefcase.

MUSGROVE Here it is - “Tanis development proceeding. Acquire headpiece, Staff of Ra, General Tengtu Hok, Shanghai. Locate Abner Ravenwood, U.S.”

Brody is excited. He looks at Indy.

BRODY Tanis. They must have discovered the lost ruins.

Indy contemplates this big news; he’s impressed.

INDY (to himself) Tanis. Ain’t that somethin’!

EATON Frankly, we’re a little

suspicious... An American being mentioned so prominently in a secret Nazi cable.

INDY Ah, Ravenwood’s no Nazi.

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