Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf


It shows a Biblical battle. The Israelite Army is vanquishing an opposition force. At the forefront of the Israelite ranks, two men carry the Ark of the Covenant, a beautiful gold chest, crowned by two sculptured gold angels. The men do not touch the Ark itself; rather they carry it by use of two long wooden poles which pass through rings in the corners of the Ark. The painting is very dramatic, full of smoke, tumult and sinewy dying men. But the most astonishing thing in the picture is the brilliant jet of white light and flame issuing from the wings of the angels. It pierces deep into the ranks of the retreating enemy, wrecking devastation and terror.


Good God!

INDY Yes. That’s what the Hebrews thought. MUSGROVE What’s that supposed to be coming out of there? INDY Who knows... lightning... fire... the power of God. EATON I’m beginning to understand Hitler’s interest in this thing. INDY Oh yes. The Bible tells of it leveling mountains and wasting entire regions. Moses promised that when the Ark was with you, “your enemies will be scattered and your foes fell before you”. (pause) An army which carries the Ark before it is invincible.

Eaton and Musgrove exchange worried looks.

INDY Oh, there’s one other thing that Hitler undoubtedly believes about the Ark... (a long, pregnant pause) It’s said that the Lost Ark will be recovered at the time of the coming of the True Messiah.

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