Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf


Belzig gives her a cold look then turns and walks toward the fireplace. As soon as his back is turned, the Second Nazi grabs the nearest whiskey bottle and takes a quick pull. In so doing, he leaves the medallion completely exposed. Marion is aware of this as she looks at him. But he quickly puts the bottle down again, obscuring the medallion, when Belzig speaks from the fireplace.

BELZIG I’m afraid an auction is not possible. (pause) Your fire is dying here, Fraulein. (a beat, then threatening) Why don’t you tell us where the piece is right now? MARION Listen, Herr Mac, I don’t know who you’re used to dealing with, but no one tells me what to do in my place.

Belzig, still looking in the fire, sneers and shakes his head.

BELZIG Americans! You’re all alike. Fraulein Ravenwood. I’ll show you what I’m used to.

He motions with his hand. The Mongolian moves up behind Marion and lifts her roughly over the top of the bar, knocking over bottles and spilling liquor. He deposits her on the other side, where the Nepalese and the Second Nazi flank her and hold her cruelly, arms behind her back. Marion raises a ruckus. Belzig turns from the fireplace. In his hand is the poker, its end glowing orange. He advances on Marion. Marion stops yelling, her eyes widen in terror.

MARION Wait! I can be reasonable-

BELZIG That time is passed.

The glowing poker point moves inexorably across the room toward Marion’s face.

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