Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf


MARION You don’t need that. I’ll tell you everything!

BELZIG Yes, I know you will.

Belzig has no intention of stopping now. The glowing tip is approaching Marion’s face. The Nepalese watches with savage glee. The tip of the poker is five inches from Marion’s nose when there is a loud CRACK! and the fall of Indy’s bullwhip wraps around the middle of the poker and tears it out of Belzig’s hands. The poker sails high across the room, free of the whip, and lands in the heavy curtains that over one window. The curtains immediately burst into flame. The four Bad Men look in surprise toward the front entrance. Indy is poised there, the whip in his right hand, a .45 Automatic raised toward them in his left.



Now everything begins to happen very fast-

The Mongolian had just come around the bar at the end opposite the medallion. He dives back to crouch behind the end of the bar, raising his submachine gun. Belzig and the Second German dive behind the tables near the bar. The Nepalese is slower to leave Marion, he draws a Luger. Indy’s .45 barks and the Nepalese dies spinning against the bar. Indy fires in the direction of the Mongolian. Marion swings up over the top of her bar. Belzig fires at her, but his bullets smash bottles behind the bar and thud into the raven. Marion flattens out on the floor behind the bar as bullets hit above her. She reaches up, snatches the axe handle from where Mahdlo left it, and begins crawling down the length of the bar toward- The Mongolian, who sticks his submachine gun out and fires blindly in Indy’s direction. Indy is in a crouch behind a table, trying to get a shot at someone. He doesn’t notice in the din and confusion when the door bursts open.

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