Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf


Indy, Satipo and Barranca, just clearing the trees, look back in that direction. They all turn to face the Temple. It is dark and awesome. Vegatation curls from every crevice, over each elaborate frieze. The entrance - round, open and black - has been designed to look like open jaws.

INDY So this is where Forrestal cashed in.

SATIPO A friend of yours?

INDY Competitor. He was good, very good.


(nervous) No one has ever come out of there alive. Why should we put our faith in you?

Indy takes the weird feather from the band of his hat. From around its point, he slips a tightly rolled piece of parchment. Barranca and Satipo exchange a quick “So that’s where is was!” look. They all kneel as Indy spreads out the parchment. On it is one-half of a crude floorplan of the Temple.

INDY No one ever had what we have... partners.

Indy fixes them with an expectant stare. Satipo produces a similar, but folded, piece of parchment. He lays it - the other half of the floorplan - next to Indy’s. They all regard it for a moment, then Indy stands and walks toward the Temple. Barranca’s eyes are shining as they dart between the floorplan and Satipo.

INDY (back turned) Assuming that pillar there marks the corner and...

Barranca is suddenly on his feet, quietly drawing his pistol. He raises it toward Indy as Satipo realizes with alarm what he’s doing. Too late. Indy’s head turns and he sees Barranca. Indy’s next move is amazing, graceful and fast, yet totally unhurried.

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