Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf


Immediately there is a sickening searing sound and Belzig’s expression changes from joy to agony. He screams in pain and tries to shake the red-hot medallion from his skin. Marion opens up and the bar starts to splinter in front of Belzig. The medallion comes free of Belzig’s hand and rolls across the floor. Belzig has had enough. In excruciating pain, he turns, sees a window, runs and dives through the glass. An exhausted Indy uses his whole body to upend the Giant Sherpa, who lands hard on his back. They are surrounded by flames.




Belzig has his burned hand stuck deep in the snow. Now he withdraws it, steaming, and scurries off into the night like a wounded animal.




Marion throws down the empty submachine gun and moves through the flames to the center of the bar where she left the box with the five grand. She finds the remains of the box and its contents: a shapeless pile of ash and charred wood.



At the end of the bar, the Mongolian has come back to life. He shakes out his head, then reaches inside his coat and pulls out a Mauser pistol. Indy smashes a chair over the head of the Giant Sherpa and the huge creature goes down. The Mongolian points his Mauser through the smoke and flame at Indy. Suddenly, the Mongolian is shot dead.

Marion stands beneath her stuffed raven with the Baretta.

Indy moves quickly through the flames, his eyes scanning the floor. He picks up his bullwhip and his crumpled felt hat. He peers through the smoke till he spots Marion moving among the burning furniture.

INDY Let’s get out of here!

MARION Not without that piece you want!

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