Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf


His right hand slides up under the back of his leather jacket and emerges grasping the handle of a neatly curled bullwhip. With the same fluid move that brings Indy’s body around to face the Peruvian, the whip uncoils to its full ten foor lengeth and flashes out. The fall of the whip (the unplaited strip at the end of the lash) wraps itself around Barranca’s hand and pistol. He could not drop the gun now if he tried. Indy gives the whip a short pull and Barranca’s arm is jerked down, where it involuntarily discharges the gun into the dirt. Barranca is amazed, but feels some slack in the whip and immediately raises the gun toward Indy again, cocking it with his free hand.

Indy’s face goes hard. And sad.

Indy sweeps his arm in a wide arc. Barranca spins around, enclosed in the whip, his gun hand stuck tight against his body. Indy gives one more short jerk on the whip handle and Barranca’s gun fires. Barranca falls dead. Indy looks quickly at Satipo, who is shocked and frightened. He raises his arms in supplication.

SATIPO I knew nothing! He was crazy! Please!

Indy looks him over, then nods. He frees the whip from Barranca’s body and picks up the man. His eyes sweep the surrounding woods.


Let’s go.




Indy and Satipo, carrying a torch, walk up the slightly inclined, tubular passage from the main entrance. The interior is wet and dark, hanging with plant life and stalactites. Their echoing footsteps intermittently overpower the sounds of loud dripping, whistling air drafts and scampering claws.




Indy leads the way down a twisting hallway, Satipo’s torch barely lighting his way from behind. Indy disappears in a shadow and when he reappears a moment later a huge black tarantula is crawling up the back of his jacket.

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