Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf




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Fayah brings in a tray of food and puts it on the table. The bowl of dates is in one corner. As Fayah leaves the room, the Monkey slips out of Sallah’s lap and disappears under the table. Indy leans over the food tray, his hand hovering over the dates. But he chooses some cheese and bread instead.

INDY And they made the calculation in the map room?

SALLAH (nods vigorously)

This morning. Belloq and the boss German, Shliemann. When they came out of the map room, we were given a new spot in which to dig...out away from the camp.

INDY (resigned) The Well of the Souls.

Sallah nods, moves to the food. He picks up a date, then changes his mind and drops it, taking a bunch of grapes instead. Indy picks up a chicken leg in one hand and a date in the other, his mind distracted. Fayah enters the room just in time to see Indy flip the date high into the air and try to catch it in his mouth. It bounces off his chin and falls to the floor. Indy looks sheepishly at Fayah. Fayah picks up the fallen date and puts it in the dirty ash tray she is now removing. Amir speaks in a slow, raspy voice without looking up.


Come. Look.

The two men go and huddle over the old man. The Monkey peeks up over the edge of the table at the array of food. He picks up a date and disappears below the table. Amir points to some markings on the lower part of the headpiece.

AMIR This is a warning... not to disturb the Ark of the Covenant.

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