Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf


Sallah is mesmerized by the sight. His hand starts to reach out and touch one of the angels, but Indy grabs it.

INDY Don’t touch it! Never touch it!

(MORE) The wooden crate stands open next to the stone chest. Now Indy extracts the wooden poles from its rings and begins fitting them through the rings in the Ark. This takes some maneuvering by the two men, but soon they are able to lift the Ark clear of the stone chest and into the wooden crate. They extract the poles, fasten the top of the crate and stick the poles through the rings of the wooden crate. They start back toward the space under the hole. The fire strips have begun to dwindle, as have some of the torches. The snakes move slowly in toward the clear spaces. Indy and Sallah eye them nervously as they hurry along with their heavy load. Under the hole, they hurriedly attach ropes to the wooden crate and it is pulled up. Indy’s concentration is on the tide of snakes.

INDY Hurry up! Why did it have to be snakes?

Sallah takes the next rope and climbs quickly out of the Well. Indy has picked up a torch and now throws it at a pool of snakes who are too close for his comfort. He turns and takes hold of the exit rope. He gives it a first tug and it falls down into the Well, landing partly beyond the ring of fire where it instantly disappears in a tangle of angry, hissing asps. Indy looks up at the hole.


What the --

Smiling down at him from the perimeter of the entry are Belloq, Shliemann and Gobler.

BELLOQ Why, Dr. Jones, whatever are you doing in such a nasty place?

Belloq and the Germans laugh.

INDY Why don’t you fellows come down here? I’ll show you.

BELLOQ No thank you, my friend.

(he glances around him)

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