Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf





Sallah, Indy and Marion run into a hiding spot behind some water barrels near the Command Tent. They peek out at this activity -- In the big space near the Command Tent is parked an open German staff car; inside is a Blond Driver and an Armed Guard. Directly behind it is a canvas-topped troop truck. At this moment, Belloq and Shliemann are supervising the careful placement of the crated Ark in the back of the truck. When it is securely placed inside, we hear an ominous marching sound and Nine Armed Nazis appear at a trot from between some tents and climb into the back of the truck with the Ark. Behind the water barrels, Sallah and Marion exchange hapless looks, but Indy just concentrates on -- The scene by the truck: Belloq and Shliemann are about to climb into the front staff car when they pause to check out the final component of the convoy. Rolling into place behind the truck is another open staff car. But this one is special - - mounted in the back is a big, black machine gun, manned by a Gunner. At the wheel of the car is Gobler and next to him sits Belzig. Sallah and Marion look at Indy. Belloq and Shliemann climb in the back seat of the front car and the caravan pulls out. Indy watches it go, thinking hard.

INDY You two get back to Cairo quick and get us transportation to England -- a plane, a ship, anything.

MARION What about you?

INDY I’m going to get that truck. I’ll meet you at Omar’s. Be ready for me.

Sallah nods. Marion looks at him like he’s nuts. Indy jumps up, looks around desperately.

MARION How are you going to get that truck?

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