Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf


Indy sees this from the cab and reacts by speeding up, putting even more pressure on the Blond Driver.

Along the back of the truck, Armed Nazis are edging up toward the cab, three on each side. They hang on as the truck rounds a corner and goes into a straightaway that leads through a short tunnel. In the cab, Indy has been concentrating on the lead staff car. Now, just before entering the tunnel, he looks in the side view mirror and sees the Nazis on his side. A quick glance to the other mirror reveals the others. As the truck sweeps into the tunnel, we see Indy just start to turn his steering wheel -- he’s going to sideswipe the walls of the tunnel. At the other end of the tunnel, we hear the roar of the two engines and two long, screeching, scraping sounds. The lead staff car shoots out of the tunnel, then the truck, its sides cleaned of Nazis. In the rear of the truck, the Tough Sergeant is looking with distaste back at the tunnel. There remains only him and two Armed Nazis with the Ark. He sends these two climbing up over the top of the truck. In the lead car, the Blond Driver is being pressed hard by Indy, who now edges up to bump them from the rear. Suddenly the Armed Guard next to the Driver sees the two Armed Nazis appear on the top of the truck. Without thinking, he starts to point them out to Shliemann, then realizes his stupidity. In the cab, Indy has seen this and is at first mystified. He checks his side-view mirrors. Then he figures it out and slams on his brakes. The brakes lock, the wheels burn and the truck skids to a dusty halt. The two Armed Nazis fly off the truck, over the cab to the road in front. Indy immediately hits the gas again. The two Armed Nazis, just aiming their weapons, get wiped out.

In the rear of the truck, the crated Ark is bouncing all along, no one in sight, because --

The Tough Sergeant is on the top of the truck, making his way steadily forward. This guy clearly knows what he’s doing. A submachine gun is slung acorss his back. The truck and the staff car race through a series of S- curves. In the staff car, Belloq and Shliemann spot the Tough Sergeant as he reaches the front of the truck’s top and begins to lower his submachine gun barrel toward the cab. Indy is unaware. Belloq and Shliemann exchange looks.

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