Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf





The Nazis have returned to their subs. Shliemann is on the bridge with THE WURRFLER’S CAPTAIN and the Captain’s Aides. The Captain is an honorable career Navy man.

THE WURRFLER’S CAPTAIN Colonel Shliemann, all torpedoes are loaded.

Shielmann nods and continues to stare at the Bantu Wind, as does the Captain. The Pirate crew is all lined across the bow. Towering above the others, standing on the rail, proud and defiant, is Katanga. Shliemann looks at the Wurrfler’s Captain a moment.

SHLIEMANN What do you think, Captain?


(earnestly) I think not, Colonel. Nothing is to be gained. We are not at war.

Shliemann mulls this, then turns to the hatch.

SHLIEMANN ... yet. Let the vermin live. We must be on our way.

Shliemann disappears down the hatch. The Captain is pleased. A Radioman speaks into his headset, then follows the other Aides down the hatch. In the distance the other subs begin to move away from the ship. The Captain, alone on the bridge, looks once more at Katanga. On the Bantu Wind, Katanga executes what might be taken for a salute. The Wurrfler’s Captain smiles, salutes crisply, then goes below, pulling the hatch closed. Immediately, the Wurrfler begins to move. And as it does, we see the rail at the aft of the main deck. From nowhere, a wet sleeve appears and a hand grabs the rail! Indy pulls his dripping body onto the sub’s main deck. He has lost his felt hat once and for all. Other than that, his outfit is the same as always, just wetter. Suddenly, water is washing over his feet; the Wurrfler is beginning to submerge. Indy runs through quickly deepening water toward the haven of the conning tower. Halfway there, he slips and goes down.

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