Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf


We hold on the whip for a long moment, until its owner’s hand appears and quickly reclaims it.




The Ark and its entourage are moving slowly up the tight dark tunnel, their way lit by intermittent lanterns. The tunnel is irregular, but generally about 7 feet wide. It’s height varies from an average of about 7 feet to a low of only about 4.5 feet at the points (every 40 feet) where support beams cross the track. The result is that there is only about a foot of clearance above the mine cars at those points; passengers must duck to keep from being hit in the head. Shliemann, looking worried, and Belloq, very excited, are focused on the Ark in the car ahead.

SHLIEMANN I am uncomfortable with the thought of this -- (spitting it out) -- Jewish ritual. Are you sure it’s necessary? Let me ask you this -- Would you be more comfortable opening the Ark in Berlin -- for the Fuhrer -- and finding out only then if the sacred pieces of the Covenant are inside? Knowing, only then, whether you have accomplished your mission and obtained the one, true Ark? BELLOQ (playing him)

Shliemann doesn’t like any of his alternatives. He looks at Belloq with some suspicions as the train comes into bright light.




A second natural cavern, even bigger than the first, has been worked over by the Germans into a rectangular, three-story high supply center around a huge, open, center court. Uniformed Nazi Soldiers are everywhere, wrangling supplies and ammunition, monitoring electronic equipment. At the far end of the court, a second train tunnel disappears into the rock. Across the open court, Belloq sees his destination: a large, brilliant white silk tent has been erected in the midst of all this hardware. It looks incongruous, and more than a little eerie. It is the Tabernacle.

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