Raiders of the Lost Ark.pdf


Indy gives it an experimental pull and the Ark slides across the smooth cement. Indy indicates the direction of the second train tunnel.

INDY We’ll go down that side. Shoot anyone who looks at us crosseyed.




Two huge stacks of goods are ablaze and the Nazis are having trouble getting water to them. The Nazis’ main concern at this point is an enormous, neat stack of wooden cartridge boxes which are piled down the wall from one of the already blazing, and now teetering, stacks of general goods. Nervous Nazis are moving the heavy cartridge boxes as fast as they can, but it’s slow work and the threatening fire is close. Indy and Marion make their way along the side of the center court, Indy grimacing with the strain of pulling the Ark. One Nazi stops directly in front of them, looking at them queerly. Indy knocks him out with the butt of his Luger just as Marion is about to fire. Out in the court, Shliemann has regained his eyesight. Now he crouches, scanning the scene desperately for Indy. He looks into the remains of the Tabernacle and spots the empty altar. Beyond it, the unoccupied posts where Marion was bound. At the entrance to the second train tunnel, Indy and Marion struggle to lift the Ark into a mine car. Marion has the submachine gun slung over her back. The Ark drops heavily into the bottom of the car. The noise attracts the attention of five water-carrying Nazis. They see what’s going on and reach for their side-arms. Indy grabs Marion, pulls her in front of him -- as though to use her as a shield -- and flips the submachine gun, still on her back, toward the Nazis. He opens fire, turning Marion’s body so he can mow all five down. Shliemann spins around and looks at the tunnel entrance. He points at Indy and Marion, who have just hopped into the mine car with the Ark.

SHLIEMANN Stop them! Kill them!

A dozen Nazis spin and look at the mine car. Marion is just leveling the submachine gun. Indy pushes forward the throttle and the mine car moves toward the tunnel, picking up speed. As the Nazis raise their guns to fire, Marion and Indy both open up, peppering the area with lead. As the mine car is about to disappear into the tunnel--

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