Preliminary Steps in Writing a Scientific Manuscript
Brief Communications and Technical Notes Are reports of important preliminary findings or new techniques Are shorter versions of research articles Are limited in length, number of references, and number of illustrations Letters to the Editor May present research findings Usually comment on journal contents or present progress reports or updates on published work Reviews Summarize the current status of a given topic Generally do not report original data Case Reports Describe novel, interesting, or rare clinical cases Typically consist of a brief introduction followed by a description of the case and a brief discussion (the format varies from journal to journal, however) After you know the type of article you are going to write, you are ready to select the journal. Selecting a Journal Before you begin writing, it helps to select the journal to which you will submit your article. Choosing a journal before you write Helps you write for that particular journal’s audience Allows you to organize your article for that particular journal When you are considering different journals, ask yourself these questions: How important is my research in this field? Are my results novel?
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