Writing and Publishing Scientific Articles Course Workbook

Writing and Publishing Scientific Articles


▪ Briefly describe the content of the manuscript if the article title does not adequately convey this information. ▪ Describe any unique features of the article if the journal has published others on the same topic. ▪ Explain why you have selected that journal, especially if the article is appropriate for more than 1 type of journal.

▪ Indicate the category or format your manuscript falls into.

▪ Give the reasons for duplicate publication of the article, in the rare case in which this applies. ▪ State any conditions that apply to the article if it is accepted for publication.

Explain any possible conflict of interest.

▪ Recommend possible reviewers or specify reviewers you would prefer not review the manuscript, if applicable.

Identify the corresponding author.

Many of these points do not require explanation. However, a few do.

Contents of article: Briefly describing the contents of the manuscript gives you an opportunity to tell the editor what the important message is in the manuscript. It may be what you found or how your findings will direct future research or treatment. If you are reporting negative findings, which many journals prefer not to publish, you might point out the benefits of publishing the findings. If you are reporting findings similar to those reported in other articles published in the journal, then the cover letter should describe anything that sets your article apart from these other articles. For example, did you use a different animal model? Did you use newer methodology? Were the experimental conditions better? Did your study include a larger group of patients? This sort of information may make the editor and reviewers see the manuscript in a more favorable light. Do not assume that such information will be readily apparent to either editors or reviewers. However, you should avoid sounding like a television commercial in your cover letter. If you have truly made the greatest discovery since Newton discovered gravity or Fleming discovered penicillin, the editor and reviewers will recognize that.

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