Writing and Publishing Scientific Articles Course Workbook

Writing and Publishing Scientific Articles


How to Write the Introduction Section

To write the Introduction section, do the following:

▪ Provide the background information relevant to your paper at a level of detail appropriate for your readers. State what led you to your hypothesis. Give enough background information so that readers will understand why you asked the research question you asked. Discuss the background’s concepts from the most general to the most specific (funnel structure). Be sure to make it clear why you performed the study and what you expected to learn from the research.

▪ Identify the gap in knowledge your study seeks to fill, and explain why filling the gap is important.

▪ State your hypothesis or the purpose of your study. Word it so that the research question is clear and specific and the results can be unambiguously evaluated.

▪ Describe how you will test the hypothesis.

▪ Briefly state your conclusion about your hypothesis (optional).

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