Writing and Publishing Scientific Articles Course Workbook

Checklists for Writing a Scientific Manuscript

14- 7

How to Write the Results Section

To write the Results section, try the following:

▪ Construct your figures and tables. The chapter “Effective Figures and Tables” includes guidelines on how to make them.

▪ Outline the Results section using subheadings.

▪ Under each subheading, list the figures and tables that you will talk about in that section.

▪ Write the text corresponding to each subheading. When appropriate, begin each subsection with a phrase or statement that reminds readers of the experiment or analysis you performed; describe the findings from that experiment or analysis, referring to figures and tables as appropriate; and close with a sentence that indicates what is most important about these data. Minimize repetition between text and figures and tables.

▪ Make sure that a result is provided for each method described in the Methods section.

▪ When you have finished, make sure that data in text match data in the figures and tables.

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