Writing and Publishing Scientific Articles Course Workbook


Preliminary Steps in Writing a Scientific Manuscript

Writing with Discipline Writing is a difficult process for most people. But there are things you can do to make it easier, more efficient, and more pleasant. The following are some habits of successful writers. Make a schedule.  Create a personal schedule for collecting background information and for writing.  Plan your time carefully so that you can comfortably meet your deadlines.  Do not plan to write the entire paper in 1 sitting.  Allow time to put away a completed section or draft manuscript for a few days before reading it again. “It’s important to not try to do too much at once. You’re not going to sit down and write the whole paper in one day. Conquer it in little sections.” —Jeffrey N. Myers, MD, PhD, Head & Neck Surgery Create a comfortable environment.  Make sure your writing area is quiet and comfortable and that you have all the research resources at hand when you start.  Take regular breaks to relax, stretch your legs, and clear your mind. Establish a routine.  Make the time to write, and make writing a high priority to prevent distractions. Whenever possible, do not answer the phone or e-mail while you are writing: concentrate only on the task at hand.  Develop a “ritual” to improve your workflow when writing; for example, always write at the same time every day, no matter what, or always finish a section before you stop.  Pick a time that works for you, and set aside a block of time each day for writing.  Each time you write, set a specific goal for how much to write.

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