العدد 3 يناير كانون الثاني 2024

of its relationship with the political regime. The study assumes that the transformations since the enactment of a new constitution in 2011, which elevated press freedom and led to legislative momentum in the field of media, have not brought about a fundamental change in the media system, especially concerning the impact of the political system, as the relationship between the two domains continues to be governed by the political context and the conflict of roles between them. The study employs a comprehensive methodological approach that combines description, analysis and documentary research to diagnose the current state of Moroccan media and journalistic practices, as well as identify the challenges and obstacles that hinder press freedom. It also examines the transformations in the media system and their implications for journalistic practice. Ultimately, the study concludes that the legislative structure of the press represents one avenue of influence in the Moroccan media system, revealing that the compass of change in the journalistic practice environment has not yet pointed in a positive direction. There is also a connection between the nature of the economic model of media entities and the freedom of professional practice, attributed to the lack of transparency in the advertising sector, which is not regulated by any law or ethical charter, and the ambiguity in the distribution of public support. Therefore, the media system requires a multi-faceted approach to distance itself from the intervention and domination of the political system. Keywords: Media System, Political System, Press Freedom, Journalistic Practice.

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