العدد 3 يناير كانون الثاني 2024

media system, the analysis examines its interrelated political, legislative, economic and professional relationships to determine the model represented by the Yemeni media system. The study adopts a case study approach to investigate the transformations of the Yemeni media system and relies on in-depth qualitative interviews with a purposive sample of 12 researchers, journalists, experts and academics. The findings of the study reveal a vast and severe divide within the media system, including the medium, discourse, institution, journalists, the syndicate and the audience. In the context of fragmentation, the pluralistic journalistic model has collapsed and transformed into a model of polarisation. It is a hybrid of both pluralistic and partisan models, characterised by confrontation and ongoing constraints in a communication process that is marked by violence, hostility and mutual aggression. Furthermore, the study considers the Yemeni media system a unique and extreme case of political polarisation aimed at dominating public discourse and controlling the public sphere. Keywords: Media, Polarisation Model, Pluralistic Journalism, War Journalism, Yemen.

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