العدد 3 يناير كانون الثاني 2024

ال هيوني بشــكل عام، ســيزداد في المســتقبل بوتيرة أسرع بفعل تقابل أربعة عوامل بنيوية وديمغرافية وتواصلية وتكنولوجية. َهْيَنَة، خطاب الفَلَسْطَنَة، الرأي العام الغربي، اليهودية � خطاب ال َّص كلمات م تاحية: العضلية، عزلة أميركا. Abstract: This study aims to measure the extent of transformation in political discourse and the representation of public opinion in Western countries amid the competition between the discourse of Zionism and support for Israel on one hand, and the discourse of Palestinian rights on the other, during the first 70 days of the Israeli war on Gaza on that started on 7 October 2023. The study starts from the hypothesis that Zionist discourse inside and outside Israel seems to exhaust the forward momentum, whether in terms of the ability to form a sustainable discourse for the occupation and overcome a series of setbacks experienced by an extremist right-wing government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, or the ability of political and media circles sympathetic to it in the West to mobilise sustainable political and moral support at this stage. As a result of this transformation, the discourse supporting Israel has entered a stage of strategic stagnation and self-erosion even in historically supportive capitals of Israel, as though it is completing the cycle of civilisation as envisioned by Ibn Khaldun, amid the concern of some Israeli intellectuals and politicians about the question, "Will Israel make it to 80?". The study adopts a theoretical and analytical composite approach to investigating the study’s hypothesis and analysing its components in light of various theories in the fields of communication, media and critical discourse analysis. It reveals the role of media and symbolic forces in supporting the discourse of Zionism and promoting its arguments and goals from the founding stage to the present. It also relies on the method of strategic security analysis in the context of the theory of "securitisation," through the arguments of Barry Buzan and his colleagues at the Copenhagen School. In addition, the study employs the analysis of the results of some opinion polls conducted by specialised international centres and institutes. It concludes by predicting that the stagnation of the Western discourse supporting Israel in particular, and the Zionist project in general, will increase in the future at a faster pace due to the interaction of four foundational, demographic, communicative, and technological factors. Keywords: Zionist Discourse, Palestinianization Discourse, Western Public Opinion, Muscular Judaism, US Isolation.

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