العدد 3 يناير كانون الثاني 2024

حالة الاســتثناء، موقع الإعلام، الإعلام العمومي، حرية ال حافة، كلمات م تاحية: بيئة العمل ال حفي. Abstract: This study investigates the role of public media in the context of the state of exception resulting from the measures of 25 July 2021 in Tunisia as well as what it signifies to other political, legal and social fields. The study also monitors the ecological system of media and press freedom and the impact of the state of exception on the professional journalistic working environment. The study begins its investigative process with complex research questions: Was public media part of the state of exception, or was it an independent field distinguished by its own capital? What strategies did the authorities adopt in dealing with public media and framing the media situation? What kind of journalistic environment did the state of exception create? To answer these questions, the study adopts an interpretative case study approach that examines the variables of the problem and the interactions between its elements, and traces the factors and reasons explaining its aspects and dimensions. The study primarily relies on the opinions of a purposive sample of respondents (consisting of 14 participants) who follow the research problem and its dimensions in their professional, journalistic, union, legal and academic contexts to frame its approach. The study concludes that public media is part of the political situation that transformed it through hard power into a symbolic tool of authority and an ideological apparatus representing the model of allegiance. Therefore, it does not constitute an independent field with private capital that makes it a public media facility serving the public good through its news function and narration of political culture. In addition, the study reveals that the mental model of authority and its traditional perspective on the media negatively affected press freedom, contributing to the creation of an antagonistic environment for professional journalism, which has become a problem and a security threat. Keywords: State of Exception, Position of Media, Public Media, Press Freedom, JournalisticWorkEnvironment.

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