العدد 3 يناير كانون الثاني 2024

Abstract: The study examines research and studies on the use of social media networks and its relationship to political polarisation in the Arab region. Through a dimensional analysis approach (or meta-analysis), it approaches a sample consisting of 62 studies published on Arabic websites and portals of universities and scientific journals. Among the key findings that the study reaches is that the purposive sample of previous studies focused on the subject of social media networks and their relationship to the political awareness and political participation of university students and the formation of public opinion; but it overlooked the relationship of social networks to political polarisation. The study also finds that a significant portion of the sample consisted of descriptive survey research and studies that relied on questionnaires as a data collection tool. As a result, most of the studies were predominantly quantitative with a lack of qualitative research, and a clear deficiency in theoretical approaches for understanding, interpreting and analysing the phenomenon. Keywords: Usage, Social Media, Political Polarisation, Political Awareness, Arab Societies.

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