العدد 3 يناير كانون الثاني 2024

lies. Most chapters of the book rely primarily on quantitative approaches for analysis, relying on statistics, numbers and samples of participants from different countries to address news quality. The process of defining news quality standards has become increasingly complex. In this context, research has been conducted, and laws have been enacted to regulate the media flow, such as the Digital Services Act in the European Union, in addition to Australia’s media laws. However, the field still requires further examination given what the available spaces for user participation on media platforms have produced, such as comments sections that initially appear to enhance democracy. However, they may also contribute to what is referred to as "internet incivility," exacerbating collective emotional intensity and societal fragmentation while diminishing opportunities to promote democracy. The book concludes that defining the parametres of news quality requires ongoing research efforts, and this book is a stepping stone on that path. It has demonstrated the importance of the subject for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, non-governmental organisations and society as a whole. Keywords: News Quality, Democracy, Internet Incivility, Algorithms, Infomedic, News-Ness.

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